Monday, October 3

Thanks to Felicia Woodard, Lisa Chalifoux and all advisers/helpers
for a great Homecoming week.

TEACH On-line system now available for educator registration

Red Cross training - changes to assembly dates:
The Red Cross trainers can only make it a few days, so I combined some grades.  We'll do 9/10 on the 11th of October and 11/12 on the 12th.  Students will go to the aud during 2nd period on those days.

Tuesday, October 11, 20168:45 AMRed Cross training for 9th and 10th
Wednesday, October 12, 20168:45 AMRed Cross training for 11th and 12th

Planner for this week  If I'm missing something, please let me know.

tripWednesday, October 5, 20168:30 AMACE field trip to Cornell
musicFriday, October 7, 20164:00 PMMS band Reading session at Ovid School 4-6pm
Marking periodsFriday, October 7, 2016
End of 1st five weeks (23 days)

Fire drills - keep 'em quiet:
We only have to have 8 fire drills during the whole year because of some changes to state regulations.  Please make sure that students are SILENT while leaving the building and until the all clear is given.

Parking lot and general driving safety:
Please let me know of any kid that is driving in an unsafe manner. Having an accident from carelessness is one of my biggest fears. Adults - let's all drive slowly and carefully too.  Please don't drive around the back of the bus garage to get around the buses, since we're not supposed to drive behind it. I'll try to stop parents from doing so. Thanks.

Grade 6-12 pictures:
Thanks to Brenda Register and Peg Vogel for helping me get all student pics into this folder - Classes 6-12.
Don't know a kid? Test your memorization skills by trying to remember a whole class.  We're missing some pics, but we'll get them in there. This folder is located in staff share / pictures. Thanks ladies!

Putting grades in?
Some middle school teachers asked if they could put comments in for the first five weeks. I reluctantly said yes, but just for the first five weeks of the year. If you don't have a lot of grades yet, please put some sort of comment in to let parents know how kids are doing. We should have a decent amount of grades in for many classes, depending of course on the class. Let's make sure that we're putting all grades for viewing in the portal.  If parents contact me about not being able to see grades for a particular class, I will direct them to the teacher. Remember that Enrichment classes are ungraded, but comments on effort and understanding are highly encouraged! Thanks.

SchoolTool on the way:
On Friday, we had our first meeting with CNYRIC officials concerning the transition from SIS to SchoolTool.  We will be up and running by July 1 of next year.

Great story of forgiveness:
Every once in a while, I hear a great StoryCorps piece from NPR, and this is one of them.  This is a story of forgiveness that has to do with the Amish shooting in PA ten years ago.  I love the message because it can teach us if forgiveness can happen for such a tragedy, it can happen for all the little mishaps in our lives.   If you'd like to hear the story, click here and then click on the blue circle as in the picture. There are some great life lessons for kids in stories such as this.

Business office reminder:
Just a reminder that any receipts submitted for lunch or even any purchases must be itemized.

For as you know, we cannot pay sales tax. So if a lunch receipt is only the total charged the claims auditor at the CBO may deduct 8% off the bill.

Community event from the folks at Seneca County: 
Please see this flyer for an event at Waterloo HS on October 26.
Community conversation on underage drinking. Featuring: Tony Collins, Former NFL Football Player. Tony will share his personal struggle with addiction and recovery followed by a parent to parent testimonial and community roundtable discussion.


October 21 for HS teachers
Missy and I are not done choosing activities for HS teachers for this date.  Please give me some ideas if you have something special in mind.  I want to make everyone's PD worth the while for every one of you!  Thanks.

Middle School conference:
  • Don't register through the middle school assn. website.  We'll take care of it with a group list.
  • I will be inputting the event into My Learning Plan.  Once I have it up and running as a PD event, you can go in and sign up. This is for our internal use and your PD hours. I'll let you know when that's done.
  • Shared teachers:  I'd like everyone to go to this event this year, so I'm signing you up.  There are some valuable workshops this year, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it (and the short drive).
Thursday pre-conference sessions.  I'd like to see at least some SS folks attend the pre-conference sessions on Thursday.  See the list of pre-conferences just below here, and let me know if you'd like to attend.
  • Literacy
  • Sweethearts and Heroes
  • Digital learning
  • STEM
  • There is also a pre-conference banquet on Thursday evening.
If you have any concerns, please let me know.  I'll send the list of names in a day or so as a check.

TST BOCES Model Schools Fall Offerings

Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away   
Typing notes with a laptop might not be best. Thanks to Cindy Brewer for sharing.