Thursday, October 20

Hi folks,
I will be out of the building on Thursday and Friday. I'll be checking my email. 
You can also call my cell at 607-793-7846. 

Friday's Middle School Conference:
Friday's sessions start at 7:30 am and go until 3:30 pm (see finalized agenda here). 
I would really like to see a bunch of us go to the following presentation:
  • Implementing the NYS Essential Elements To Increase Student Achievement.  
    • Ravo Root, the superintendent of Fillmore Central School, is the former principal at Pioneer Middle School in Arcade.  I've known Ravo for quite some time.  He's a very knowledgeable leader, and Pioneer Middle School is highly regarded for their quality programs.
I will allow you to flex your schedule one way or the other. You can go early and leave before the last (2:30-3:30) session (or vice versa), or stay for the whole shindig. Whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll do your best to learn valuable skills.

Please try to carpool where possible.  If anyone would like to use a school van, please get with Lance.

** If you haven't registered through My Learning Plan, please do so.  This will not register you for the conference, but it will get your hours in the system for record keeping purposes. 

Friday's HS PD:
Please check the PD schedule.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Please communicate with me on individual projects you will be working on in addition to scheduled things.

From Kevin Webster, Oct. 18: The application is open and running.  Teachers should start by going to  Also, please let them know they must select a 'building' location.

The 'Professional Development' box will say 'no' on all teachers.  That information still need to be uploaded from 'My Learning Plan'.

Board presentation
I'm looking for a innovative and brave soul to present at our next Board meeting in Ovid next week.  If you have something innovative that you'd like to share, please let me know.

Tony Collins October 26:
Brooke Habberfield has been able to get Tony Collins here next week the 26th, which is a B day.  He will give a 30 minute presentation for MS'ers during 3rd period, and the plan is to have HS'ers 4th period.  I know it's fairly short notice, but Tony is a popular speaker with a great message.  Instead of running some sort of hour delay schedule, I think it would work better to cut the 3/4 block in half for that day.  If anyone has a major issue with that, please let me know.

Here is Tony's website:

Scott Fitch presentation:
I am rescheduling the Scott Fitch presentation to sometime in November. I'll keep you posted.

New BOCES School Improvement Newsletter
Some great stuff in this week's newsletter.

December Music Notes:

Please DO NOT plan any field trips or any rewards trips/activities (Falcon Flyers) that will ruin my only (2) opportunities to have a full band in the auditorium before the concerts for MS and HS on December 12-15

Since Kyla and I have overlapping schedules with band and chorus ensembles it is so much more difficult to plan moving into the auditorium and coordinating dress rehearsals.  Way more difficult than last year when we had no over laps with ensembles and the mater schedule.  So the success depends on help moving any major filed trips or activates that take large amount of Sr. High Kids from school during those dates.

I appreciate your help in keeping these dates as free as possible and working with other staff to understand out concerns to avoid trips or reward activities December 12-15