Monday, October 17

Great Ideas - Share 'Em
Have a great idea you'd like to share with others.  Please send it to me and I'll post it in our
Great Ideas folder.  For example, check out what Patty Parsons is doing with Google Classroom.

PD pretty much set for Friday
Check on the link to see where we have you.  Any problems, let me or Missy know.  One note on the sessions with Justin from BOCES:  He has made an on-line class that will take you through everything related to Google Drive (docs, sheets, etc.) and Classroom.  He can show you how to get into the class and/or help you with other things.

Latest Memo from NYS Commissioner
Subject: Public Comment Period for United States Department of Education’s (USDE) Negotiated Rulemaking related to the supplement, not supplant requirement within the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Video worth watching
Please click on the video link above from the Gates Foundation.  There are some good resources for educators on the Gates site, so please check it out after you watch the video. You can also sign up for their newsletter.


Office of Special Education News and Notes – August 2016


Social-emotional learning sets stage for school success

Why The Art of Speaking Should Be Taught Alongside Math and Literacy

School Leaders' Guide: 45 Ways to Support Struggling Readers

United Way reminder from John Robertson:
Hello all,
  Once again I am the South Seneca MS/HS point person for the United Way's 2017 campaign for donations.  I will be placing donation forms in mailboxes.  I was given a limited number of forms. Please let me know if I miss you and I will get more.  Anybody who would like to donate can return their form to me between now and November 1st.  I am happy to say that last year we donated $623!  It would be great to increase that number this year.   In the interest of saving paper and avoiding clutter, here are some examples of what our donations have done in Seneca County:
-  200,000 meals were provided to those in need
-  $1.4 million in tax credits and refunds were secured for free to our community members who were connected to the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program
-  250 children received books of their own to read or have family members read to them.
  Please consider donating to the United Way. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

John Robertson