Friday, October 14

October 14 -- I hope you all have a great weekend!

Student Access to the Portal
Several teachers have asked me about making the portal available to students, and I've been able to work this out.  Steve Andrews from CNYRIC took our student names, emails, and student numbers.  He will add temporary passwords whenever I want him to.  Let's do this grade by grade.  We would need to have students go into the system and change the temporary passwords, which last about 7 days.  Team members, please discuss this and let me know.

Adviser Training 10/25
Please invite your class and club officers.  The live training would be best, and kids could get the 3:00 bus if they ride.

4 Whitepapers that I just downloaded
I have yet to review these. Feel free to use these personally or with teams/departments:

Missy and I will be reviewing observations soon.  There's a good chance that we will both observe most teachers and split up the announced / unannounced observations. 

Inmates of Willard

I saw this on my Facebook feed yesterday. Some good local history notes. 

Four weeks left to apply for Prudential Spirit of Community Awards!

MS conference program for October 21
If this isn't live yet, check again in a few days:


Five Education Strategies to Reach the "Touchscreen" Generation

The new 3 Rs—respect, responsibility, and relationships