Thursday, October 6

Building notes:
From Todd: For any needed cleaner requests please contact Justin Rosa for any of your needs. Justin is the evening coordinator and will see your needs are taken care of. 

Credit confusion demystified:
Please click here for my attempt at explaining the minimum credit load of 5.5.  There has been some confusion on this.  I'm hoping this clears it up.  If it doesn't for you, please see me. 

New procedure file - misbehavior for a sub:
As time allows, I'm trying to complete clear procedures for various situations.  Misbehavior for a substitute is near and dear to my heart (not that I ever misbehaved for a sub!), so please check it out.  Please make your students aware of this and let them know that you expect good behavior.  Penalties will be strong. Substitutes now have a copy of this document in their sub folders.  This file is in staff share / rules-procedures-handbooks / procedures.  This file is also linked from the staff handbook.  I'm trying to clean up the handbook whenever I get time. You can get to various parts of this big file by clicking on some parts of the table of contents.

Faculty meeting files:
Did you miss a faculty meeting or just want to see them all?  
Look here:  staff share / meetings