Monday, September 26

Planner this week:

If I'm missing something, please let me know. 

Observation process

We will be starting up observations in the next couple of weeks.  We will have 2 observations - 1 announced and 1 unannounced during the school year.
Please remember that observations will be conducted on My Learning Plan (MLP) this year.  I encourage you to sign on and play around so you can identify any questions sooner than later.
There is a pre-conference form built into MLP, but here is a blank copy of the pre-conference form that many teachers have used in the past. This form is in staff share / appr.  It is completely up to you which form you complete.  You simply have to fill out the MLP on line and click submit or fill this out and add it as an attachment.
Finally, I have been told that using Google Chrome is the best way to access and is most compatible with MLP.

Scott Fitch - presentation on October 28:

Scott Fitch is simply a great guy who has a powerful message.  He's also our Josten's rep.  He likes the Falcons so much, he had himself reassigned to our school. Scott gave a wonderful presentation for our athletes last year.  I was so impressed, I asked him to communicate with all of our students.  
  • Are they comfortable with their social media?
  • Sexting
  • Cyberbullying
  • Caring for others online (helping each other in a case of someone considering causing themselves bodily harm)
  • Challenge them with who they are
  • Setting goals 
  • Trying to achieve them
He wouldn't mind giving this presentation to all grade 6 to 12.  MS teaches, please let me know what you think.  Should we have him give two separate presentations? Right now, I'm planning on running a one hour delay schedule for this event. 

Meetings scheduled:
Missy has filled in meetings through February (meetings tab in the master). Please take a look. Remember, links to department classrooms are on the right.

Homecoming Info

This is Homecoming week!  This year, the theme is A DAY AT THE MOVIES.  The Dress Up days are as follows:
Monday - Avenge the Dead (Marvel)
Tuesday - Finding Houseknecht (Disney)
Wednesday - Run Fast with Flash (DC Comics)
Thursday - Nature Exploration (Animal Planet)
Friday - Gotta Catch 'Em All (Pokemon Black&Gold)

Each day, staff are welcomed to join in the Dress Up Fun!!!  If you are dressed up for the day, you can add a point to whichever Class you would like, but you have to let Lisa or I know which class you would like to be counted for.  

In addition, there will be a Spirit Stick hidden somewhere in the High School.  Each class has donated $25 toward the pool.  ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND FACULTY MAY LOOK FOR THE SPIRIT STICK.  If a student finds the stick, the $100 will go toward their class.  If a faculty finds the stick, that person will choose which class to donate the $100 to.  If no one finds the stick, the pool will be held for next year (to create a $200 pool next year).  Let's have fun with this and boost the school spirit within the High School. 


A Pep Rally Schedule will be run on Friday, September 30th.  I will send out a seating chart by Wednesday in order to take your classes to the right area.  I am sorry to shorten another day of classes, but let's take Homecoming out with a bang! 

The Homecoming parade will take place Friday, September 30th at 5:30 PM beginning at the Ovid Federated Church.  Please join us in celebrating with the community.  The parade will end at the school and lead right to the football game!  

Finally, I have attached the flyer that will be in the paper in order for you to see when ALL of the Homecoming games will occur next week.  

If you have ANY questions, please let Lisa or I know! 

Thank you,
Felicia & Lisa 
HS Student Government Advisors

BEDS day October 5:
I'll be giving you more info on this soon.
I made a folder for this stuff in staff share / teacher files / BEDS.