Thursday, September 15

PD schedule set for next Tuesday:
Please check the PD schedule.  I have descriptions at the bottom of this list.  I moved aides below teachers since they will be doing a few different things.

Composting presentation:
Interested in getting involved with the community garden? At least one Cornell official will present how to start a composting project here in collaboration with the cafeteria.  The presentation will be on 9/20 at noon in the upper caf.  Please let me know if you're interested.  We'd like to run something similar to Waterloo. Waterloo also has a garden that is run by the school. 

Student meetings are now linked from the HS home page. 

Lunch duties
Please check the Duties tab on the master.  I've been making some adjustments.  Don't worry about the 2nd semester lunch duty area.  I know that one is not correct, but I'll get to it as the dust settles.

Picture day on Friday
Here's how we'll handle picture day: The middle school students do it during forum and the high school students do it during Lunch or Learning Labs. This allows the least amount of disruption with students classes. This year we are doing the pictures in the wrestling room to allow the flow of students in and out easier for the photographers and the students.

Open House Notes:
If you have any time related conflicts, please let me know asap if you haven't already. If you're one of the few with a conflict, please leave a big note with nice and big font on your door with any relevant info you can share. Thanks for your work on this.  I will give a short presentation for all parents in the aud at 6.  After that, I'll turn 'em loose.