Wednesday November 4

New Weekly Notes format:  I just started this wonderful blog, located on Once I get more entries in, you'll be able to search this with the tools on the left.  Hopefully this will be even easier than the single Google doc I've been  using.

Old weekly notes doc linked here. 

Grading memo:  Please read the memo linked here.  It gives instructions for quarter end procedures.

Restriction and privileges discussion:  Please read the document linked here.  If you have a concern about restrictions and privileges, you can comment on this. right on this page.  Follow the directions for commenting on the page. 

Observations, here we go:  Both Melissa and I have been getting some training on the Danielson Rubric and Teachscape.  I'm feeling pretty comfortable for starters with Teachscape, which is quite a bit different than the NYSUT rubric that I worked with before.  I will start to schedules some observations for the near future. Melissa, Sue, and Cathy will do the same.