Monday, November 16

Happy Monday.  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Kudos to our play organizers.  The play was very good, and our students showed off their many talents.  Thanks for everyone's hard work this fall; I really appreciate your effort and support.

Jared Campbell?  Adam has been in touch with Jared Campbell, the speaker from last year.  I have heard great things about last year, but I'm not familiar with his program personally. He can come May 2nd of 2016, the first day back from vacation (wow, that's a late vacation).  I'm assuming MS teachers would want to do this, but with Regents coming up, I want to make sure HS teachers would be comfortable with it.  Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

Save a Life Tour:  I'm really hoping that this makes a difference.  Feel free to speak to your kids about the dangers of distracted or impaired driving.  At Bolivar, we lost one kid to an accident while I was there. It was devastating for students and community members.  The more we talk about this type of stuff, the better.

BOCES kids 4th period:  If you have an afternoon BOCES kid in a 4th period study hall, please let him/her go to lunch 5 minutes early.  This will help them get in line before the throngs of middle schoolers show up.  If the BOCES students in regular classes can get out 1 or 2 minutes early, that would help speed the line along a bit and get them on the bus.  It could be a daily decision based on what's happening in your class.  They are eating in plenty of time as long as they get to the front of the line (it's a big line for 5th period). Thanks.

State survey:  You still have the chance to give input on the state standards.  You can pick and choose whatever standards you'd like  to comment on.  Go to

Table of Contents:  Some people would like a more detailed table of contents for the staff share folder than my A List file.  Melissa Butler is working on the file located here:  Table  of contents  It is located at the top of  the heap in the staff share folder.  All of the files will eventually be linked from this file.  Not much there yet, but we're working on it.  I'll let you know when it's completed.

Sounding Board:  I have a few takers for the new Sounding Board committee.  We'd love to have you!!  Just let me or Vince know if you're  interested.

BOCES weekly bulletin - posted Nov. 10.  There's a good looking PD opportunity listed for math teachers along with some other good stuff.

Faculty meeting Tuesday, December 1st:  We'll have a full faculty meeting on December 1. Melissa and I will be working on an agenda very soon and we'll put it out to you. Once you see the agenda, please send any questions to me so I can look into answers before the meeting. Thanks.