Friday, November 6

Latest BOCES Bulletin:  As always, some very good information.

Conference request form:  We have an updated conference request form in the staff share / forms folder.  Here is the link.  Make sure to fill one out and get it to Melissa Parish if you would like to have a conference.  Thanks.

Faculty Meetings:  Remember that if you came to the Sweethearts and Heroes workshop after school, that no faculty meetings would be required this month.  Thanks to those who came, and I hope you felt it was worth the time.  For those who did not come, I would really appreciate you taking some time to either create or update a web page or web site for your classes.  If you don't have a page or site, it doesn't have to be really detailed for starters.  A few things that would be good to have include:

  • Courses - syllabus for each course
  • Standards that have to do with your courses
  • Grading procedures (how you grade and how often you update the gradebook)
  • Career related links and resources that have to do with your discipline

I encourage you to look around at other teachers' sites. We have some very good ones.  My goal is for everyone to have some sort of web presence, which will enhance communication.  If you need any help, feel free to ask.  There are all sorts of ways to create a page or site.  You could do something as simple as a Google Doc that's very easy to update. Thanks.

“What I’m Thankful For This Year” (click to complete Google Form with submission)
  • The Ithaca Journal would like to run short student essays on “What I’m Thankful For This Year”. Chosen essays will be featured in the Journal on Thanksgiving Day. Please use the form above to submit responses to the Journal.
  • Details: Students can submit short essays detailing what they are thankful for this year. Please keep responses to 50 words max for elementary/middle school students, and 100 words max for high school students.  Deadline for responses is November 16, 2015.
Raising of America:  I received this from a parent. This movie will be shown next Tuesday, 11/10 at the Glen Theater in Watkins Glen.  She believes there will be a Forum afterwards.  It looks like you can access the whole thing from the website. 

Shared Decision Making Team Meeting:  This meeting will take place on Monday at  5:30 in the library.  Right now, the meetings are still HS and MS together.  I did that because that's what I saw on the calendar when I started here.  I might break them up into separate groups based on feedback I get on Monday.  Feel free to attend.  This  is one of your chances as a staff member to hear input from community members.

November 16 Save A Life Tour:  I've been able to secure financing for this, so it's a go for the 16th. This is a very important topic to share with our young drivers.