Monday, November 2

Lily Barlow benefit:  Adam sent me a flyer for a Lily Barlow benefit next month.  Lily is our elementary student stricken with Huntington’s Disease.  The organizers are hoping to raise enough money to purchase a walk-in tub for the family.  Thanks for taking a look. The event flyer is in a new folder titled as “events.”  

SBG Scale Score Chart: Please check this chart to make sure it’s accurate.  In the grading folder, I made a folder for standards based grading.  If there’s anything else I should add in there, please let me know.  

Melissa Butler:  Melissa is in full swing now.  I appreciate her efforts so far, and her expertise and organizational skills will provide us with real benefits. Melissa is starting to do some of the things that in the past I could only wish for since I only have so much time.  We will be able to get many more projects started (and completed) with Melissa aboard.  She has already started communicating with many of you.  Feel free to share your ideas and concerns. Thanks.

John Hind tech help:  John Hind will be here on Friday, probably splitting some time between here and Interlaken.  Feel free to email John if you’d like to work with him.  BOCES is expanding their instructional tech department, which means there’s a good chance John will be in the district once per week. Some of you have shared that John has been of great help to you.  That’s good news, so feel free to take advantage of his expertise.  John’s email is  

BOCES Weekly Bulletin:  Please check out Barry Derfel’s latest newsletter, which is linked in the title to the left.  There is a message from our state education commissioner asking all teachers to access a survey.  Please take some time to give your input into the survey.  I understand that you can fill out just what applies to your subject or grade level.  I listened to our new commissioner a little over a week ago.  She seems like a very earnest and realistic person.

Latest News and Notes from State Ed  The survey mentioned above is also linked from this page.