Monday, November 20

Happy Monday, and happy Thanksgiving.  The break will be very nice.  Thanks for your continued hard work and school spirit.

FYI: I'm highlighting links since I don't like that links aren't standing out with this tool.

Parents MIA?  If you tried to schedule a conference but were unsuccessful, please let me know a student name and give me some information to try and share.  I will be happy to make the call and share any concerns.

New Student Opportunities blog: I'm liking this blogging stuff, so I'm making a few new ones.  I get a lot of info for student opportunities, so I'm sharing it in this fashion.  If anyone would like to send me info or even contribute as an author, let me know.  The blog is linked in the title to this paragraph and at the top left of this blog. I'll also link it from the school home pages.  As an example, here's a link to the Hour of Code post.

Regents reproducible materials:  Click on the title for a list of reproducible materials.

Summer Fellowships for Pre-K-12 Educators
Fund for Teachers       The Fund for Teachers awards fellowships to pre-K-12 classroom teachers throughout the United States so that they may participate in training and enriching activities that will improve their skills as teachers. Educators should propose a summer activity and explain how the endeavor will make the applicant a better teacher, how the applicant will implement his or her new improved skills in the classroom, and how these improved skills will benefit students, curricula, and the school. Teachers must have a minimum of three years of experience and be full-time teachers spending at least 50% of their time in the classroom. Eligible teachers may apply as individuals (funding limit of $5,000) or as a team (funding limit of $10,000). The application deadline is January 28, 2016. Visit the Fund’s website for detailed fellowship guidelines for each state.

School Librarian Report:  Beth McCheyne shared this report.  Fairly long, but the major points stand out pretty well.  Thanks to Jody Gale for a great start in the library.  Jody, you have an important job, so thank you very much for your efforts. 

BOCES Dignity Act Newsletter

Tax volunteers needed:  If you know anyone who would be willing to donate some time to help older individuals do their taxes, a volunteer or two is needed.  I learned this at the STEPS meeting last night.  Let me know if you need contact info. Click on this link for more info about STEPS. They are doing some great work in our area.

Click here for Jesse the Turkey Falcon, our turkey calling champ!