Monday, November 9

Happy Monday:
I hope everyone had a good weekend.  It's hard to believe that it's November already and we're almost to the Thanksgiving break.  Thanks for the good communication so far this year.  Please continue to let me know what's working and what's not.  We'll try to enhance what's working and fix what's not. Have a great week. 

Save a Life Tour:   
I’ve found an assembly that will be great for our high school students.  The Save a Life Tour warns of the dangers of texting or drinking and driving.  There is a 55 minute general assembly and then break out sessions.  We will do this on Monday, November 16.  Sorry for the short notice, but we just recently learned of this and the two available spring dates will not work.

The general assembly will be from 7:50 to 8:45. I'm planning on running the one hour delay schedule. If someone sees a problem with that plan, please let me know. BOCES kids will have to miss 4th period with that plan. The program has break out sessions for students to try driving simulators. We will do these during study halls or lunch periods. We will not allow students to miss regular classes to try the simulators. Melissa Butler is coordinating this event.  If you’d like more info on this, please go to  

Detention monitor needed:
We're looking for someone who can be available every day for after school detention.  If you're interested, please let me know. 

Shared Decision Meeting
This meeting is at 5:30 this evening in the library.  If you'd like to come and haven't before, you're more than welcome. Thanks. 

I'd like to get rolling on observations fairly soon. I will people to hopefully get a few started before Thanksgiving; first week in December is most realistic. I'm sure that other observers will do the same.

Free Web Seminars:  
District Administration, one of the admin sites I subscribe to, offers free web seminars. They are initially live, but recordings are available. Some topics are boring admin topics concerning finance and other things, but there are some teaching related topics you might be interested in. Click here if you'd like to take a look.