Friday, December 1

Thanks for your work on parent-teacher conferences the other day.  We had a pretty good turnout.  Missy, Cathy and I will always so our best to help you with parent communication. 

Half day schedule
We're going to do the reverse schedule on half days and early release days for the rest of the school year, including Dec. 6.

Rich Johns for the High School:
I can let the whole high school student body attend the assembly.  If you need your kids, please let me know. Click here for his website. 
  • Periods 1-4, 10, 9 - regular classes
  • Period 8 - lunch for HS kids
  • Period 7, 6, 5 (10:18 to 11:20): High School presentation in the aud
If this plan is an inconvenience for anyone, please let me know.  If you need your class, that is fine.  The presentation should be very valuable.

NYS Ed Tech Innovators
...a Newsletter from the Office of Educational Design & Technology
  • The Office of Educational Design and Technology is pleased to announce publication of the first issue of its newsletter, NYS Ed Tech Innovators.  The newsletter contains articles describing innovative educational technology programs that have been, or are currently being, implemented in New York State schools, school libraries, and districts.
  • NYS Ed Tech Innovators is posted to the Office of Educational Design and Technology’s website and will be sent via the Office’s listserv.  If you would like to subscribe to the EdTech listserv to receive the NYS Ed Tech Innovators newsletter, please send an email to with your name and organization in the body of the email, and “EdTech Listserv” as the subject.
  • We are actively requesting articles for future newsletters.  Topics of interest include Project-Based Learning, Personalized Learning, Device Planning and Implementation (1:1, BYOD), OER and Digital Curriculum, Infrastructure, Data Privacy and Security, Keyboarding Instruction, Professional Learning, Technology Planning, and Leadership.  Articles can be submitted to at any time.  Please see Guidance for more information. 
  • Questions regarding NYS Ed Tech Innovators Monthly may be directed to the Office of Educational Design & Technology at 518-474-5461 or

Interested in a NYSCATE conference?
Click here for the Southern Tier ConnectED conference in March.  It's taking place in Endwell. 

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