Tuesday, December 5

Thanks to Christine Williams

On Tuesday morning about 6:15, Chris was working on the beautiful arrangements in the atrium.  Thanks Chris, they look wonderful. 

Two of my favorite Falcons.  
I'm sure others feel the same!

BOCES bulletin for December 5
Barry has some good PD opportunities listed in the current bulletin. Check it out.

Time sheets needed

The business office will need the time sheets by Monday, December 18th even though the previous payroll ends Friday, December 15th. This will allow 2 days to process, one day to certify and 2 days for direct deposit.

Steelcase Active Learning Center Grant
The grant cycle just opened today, as proposals are due in February. Here is the eligibility page.  This is an exciting opportunity for anyone who would like to modernize their room.

Standing desks on the way
The order for 20 standing desks has been placed. If you haven't expressed interest yet, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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