Friday, December 15

Have a great weekend!!

Data site updated
You can see 2016-17 info on the NYS data site. Here is a link to South Seneca on the site.  For HS Regents info, click the School Report Card link. 

RTI attendance procedures for middle school
Please be sure to remind students of their on-going responsibility to report to Todd or Tera as the schedule indicates.  If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with Missy or me.  Clear procedures for the process have been added/copied from the staff handbook to the RtI flow chart form for the sake of clarity.

A review of Class Attendance Procedures (click here for the staff handbook):
We believe that there is a direct relationship between a student’s class attendance and his/her successful achievement.  It is important that we continually reinforce this basic concept with our students and their parent/guardian.
The following instructions must be carefully observed if we are going to be successful in establishing and maintaining student respect for the need to be in school and in class.
  1. Accurate attendance must be carefully taken at the beginning of each class and study hall.  Teachers who do not have access to a computer must call the Main Office, Ext 4122 (Kim Dresser, HS) or Ext 4120 (Karen Denmark, MS).

It is in the interest of all students to have a collaborative relationship between staff members who support the efforts to improve and support the whole child. To this end, while the provider is responsible for checking on the safety and whereabouts of the student they are assigned and therefore responsible for, it is appropriate for the classroom teacher to remind and send students to their lessons, counseling, etc.

In the instance of Learning Labs or lessons (band or RtI) other pull out supports (nurse, counseling etc.) -students who do not report to the location, lesson, or service should be contacted by the service provider to both remind them and check that they are safe. This includes calling classrooms when necessary.

ELA and Math Update 
This is from Missy's Instructional Planning Council at BOCES.  It covers updates to the spring tests.

Save a Life Tour
The Save a Life Tour (distracted driver education) will be at our school on Wednesday, March 14.  We will have a high school assembly that day, and the equipment will be available for kids to try throughout the day.  The tour was here a couple years ago.  We'll do this every few years as kids cycle through the high school.

Standing desks are on the way
As time allows, the desks will be assembled and delivered to classrooms.

BOCES Weekly Bulletin
There are always some great opportunities from our friends at BOCES.  Opportunities include:

  • Demonstration classrooms: You can visit classrooms around the region where teachers have volunteered to allow visits. 
  • Google G-Suite training:  Become one of our first teachers to use Google G-Suite. 
  • Summer School for the Arts - info on how students can apply.

ASCD Quick Reference Guides
These look very useful. Feel free to check them out.

Product Showcase - Discovery Education

I received the following email last week.  The product is available through BOCES.  Please speak with Jody about it or others.  BOCES has many resources that are part of their library. If you're not familiar with Discovery Education, the linked clip below should give you a good overview. 

Dear Mr. Houseknecht,

I am excited to share with you some recent research findings that link Discovery Education Streaming usage to increased student engagement and achievement. These studies, combined, tell a consistent and promising story of how Streaming is impacting outcomes that matter across the country for students overall, and especially for racial/ethnic minorities and students impacted by poverty, disabilities, and limited English proficiency. The research studies show that students in elementary, middle and high school that have regular access to Streaming resources have higher attendance rates, and are outpacing their peers on state assessments in reading, mathematics, and social studies.  Streaming is, in fact, making a significant difference in teaching and learning.  

Initial findings were based on three separate studies, conducted in districts in three different states – Texas, California, and Tennessee – and supported by the independent findings of a published university study.  A subsequent study was conducted for the entire state of Kentucky. You can read more about this research in the attached flyer.

Our goal is to make sure that you have resources at your finger tips that will make a real and lasting impact on teaching and learning in your district.    If you’re looking for ways to further integrate Streaming resources into your instructional program, please let me know. 

Joseph Cuello
National Partnerships Consultant
Discovery Education

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