Tuesday, November 28

Please click the title to see our fundraising calendar. As of now, the only things on the calendar are high school events.  We also need middle school and sports fundraisers, so please send your events to Tera Stagg.  

This calendar is linked right at the top of the master. By having all fundraisers on the same calendar, we can make sure they're distributed in a way that doesn't overwhelm everyone. Thanks. 

Rich Johns on December 6
Mr. Johns will be speaking to middle school students in the morning and working with various middle school groups.

Student training for high school: He will be available periods 8 through 10 on December 6. I will personally ask teachers with 9th and 10th grade kids if they can allow them for this training. 

1 hour staff training:  We will make Rich available for a one hour staff training after students leave.  If you're one of our staff who is working late on Nov. 29, I will allow some flex time for this if you'd like to stay. This will be well worth your time.

Please check his website here. 

Missy and I have scheduled some time Wednesday for folks to work around student conferences.  The work detailed below is in line with our goals from last year's Self Reflection Committee:  
  • The Principal and Assistant Principal will assist 6-12 Departments in listing the skills students are expected to master by the end of each course, the identification of skill gaps in the curriculum, and assignment of the identified skills to particular teachers or courses.  
This work will be time consuming, and any small amount of progress we can make will be beneficial. For it to work, we need to take an all hands on deck approach. Missy will be in the library to help and answer questions.  Thanks for your help.

When you are not scheduled for a conference, please report at least once to the library to work on refining learning targets for various courses. Missy is currently working to explain the work with staff. 
  • The purpose of this is to ensure that the learning targets for students are available and written in way that others can understand. 
  • We intend to make these available online to families. 
  • Additionally, helping them understand the expectations for their child will help them support us in making their child successful. The more they understand and can have access to information, the easier it is for them to be advocates for education. 
  • Lastly, several teachers think it would be useful to know what else is being taught so they can help kids make connections, plan and adjust their own instruction. I know several of you have variations of curriculum maps, scope and sequence etc. that you use. Please bring what you have so we can work on making them accessible.
  • Links to learning targets / other curriculum documents that we currently have.  This curriculum folder is linked from the master contents sheet. 
  • Once we have most or all learning target docs, we will start the process of asking for gaps that you see for students entering your courses. I am attempting to get expert help from BOCES to further refine the process. 

There are several students who we hoped would have parent teacher conferences. We have time built in for you discuss the concerns of those students briefly and administration or guidance will continue to reach out to those families. 

Chromebook notes
Click the file here to see any students with Chromebook restrictions. If anyone who should be or is restricted is not on this list, please let me know. I've linked this file from the front of the master file.

I guess those standing desks actually work for student engagement!  Some more of theses desks are coming.  


Want to add databases to a course?
Check this video from Khan Academy. Additional lessons are linked on the left of the video.

NYSED Newsline, Nov. 21

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