Monday, November 6

Lock down survey results and answers
I'll add more stuff in here as we do more drills. 

If you'd like to add anything, please click here. 
I've hidden the name column in case you put yours in. 

Schooltool help on Nov. 15
Phil will be in the building from 9 to 2 on the 15th. Please click the link above to reserve some time. 

January testing notes
Concerning letter days, I'm not going to change any around or make something like a "T" day.  Each letter day will be available that week anyway.  Any questions or concerns, please let me know. 

STEM is missing an important subject: languages
Thanks to Karen Sanchez for this article.

Faculty meeting on Tuesday
We'll have a full group faculty meeting in the lower caf on Tuesday at 2:30.

United Way appeal (thanks to John R.)

Hello everyone,

   I’m writing on behalf of The United Way of Seneca County.  In your mailboxes you will find literature/donation sheets.  Please take the time to read through the information and consider making a donation to The United Way.  Need is everywhere and I understand that the barrage of organizations seeking donations can sometimes seem overwhelming.  However, giving to The United Way of Seneca County can have a direct, positive impact on students/families in our district.  As you can see on the donation sheet, as a contributor to The United Way you even have the ability to choose how you would like your money to be used.  Please consider making a small donation (every bit helps!) to this local cause. 

Thank you for reading.  Information will be in your mailboxes.  If anyone does not get a brochure, or knows of someone outside of the building who would like one, please contact me. 

Schooltool Question for Phil
Feel free to ask other questions. 

Q: Can a teacher pre-enter an assignment and not have it show up in the grade system? This way, a student could see the assignments due without being penalized.


When a teacher creates an assignment, they have the ability to set a due date so parents and students can see when the assignment is due.  They can create these assignments at anytime they want without applying a grade to the assignment so that students can view the assignment prior to the due date.  They also can add the assignment electronically via an attachment.  As long as the assignment is left blank with no grade, the assignment does not count against the student until the teacher applies the grade.

Teachers also have the ability to turn on or turn off when assignments are viewable to both parents and students.  

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