Friday, November 17

BOCES Bulletin - Nov. 14
As usual, some great info from Barry Derfel at BOCES.

Professional On-line presence for high school kids
You folks know that I've been trying to push digital portfolios. I'm having more luck in the the Middle School, and I'm thinking those skills will transfer up into the High School.  Another idea for high school kids (especially juniors and seniors) would be to create a Linked In profile.  Linked In allows anyone to create a professional presence on line.  Please take a look at the article and feel free to let me know what you think.  Eight Reasons High School Students Should Be on Linkedin

Another free sample from Ergotron

Let me know if you're interested in trying this out.  It is designed for a keyboard and as a teacher standing desk.  

I'm planning to order about 15 to 20 standing desks from Ergotron. Feel free to get some feedback from Joe Brewer. 

Summer Fellowships for Pre-K-12 Teachers
Fund for Teachers    *Note: I have not checked to requirements for NYS teachers.

Fund for Teachers awards fellowships to pre-K-12 classroom teachers throughout the United States so that they may design their own professional learning that will improve their instructional skills, deepen their content knowledge, and increase student engagement in learning. Educators should propose a summer professional learning experience and explain how it will improve their teaching, how the applicant will implement his or her new improved skills in the classroom, and how these improved skills will benefit students, curricula, the school, and community. Teachers must have a minimum of three years of experience and be full-time teachers spending at least 50% of their time in the classroom. Eligible teachers may apply as individuals (funding limit of $5,000) or as a team (funding limit of $10,000). The application deadline is January 31, 2018. Visit the Fund’s website for detailed fellowship guidelines for each state.

Want to spread the good word?  
Email Charlie Wildey, our PR guy. Charlie's email address is  Or email me and I'll get it to Charlie and/or place on Facebook or my HS News blog. 

Athletics procedures for after school
This is from Heather's email on Nov. 16.  I've linked this from the master contents tab.

NYS News

Keyboarding Guidance Released
  • As mentioned in the recently-released Technology Literacy MemoGuidance on Keyboarding Instruction is now posted on the Office of Educational Design and Technology’s website. 
  • Keyboarding is an important skill that allows students to write with fluency.  As schools prepare for the transition to the NYS Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards, and continue the transition to computer-based testing for 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics, it is important that they begin planning for keyboarding instruction.
  • A list of  commonly-used keyboarding instruction programs in New York is also available on the Office of Educational Design and Technology’s website.  The list was generated from responses to NYSED’s survey on keyboarding instruction, released in early fall 2017.
  • Questions may be directed to the Office of Educational Design and Technology at (518) 474-5461, or

Progress on Educator Certification (see attached)
  • Thanks to the advocacy and partnership of stakeholders in the field over the past 18 months, the Department’s Office of Higher Education has developed a number of regulatory amendements and updates to the educator certification process that enhance transparency and provide flexibility while maintaining quality.
  • See attached memorandum titled, “Progress on Educator Certification”
  • For more information, visit the Office of Higher Education’s website at Office of Higher Education

Cayuga/Seneca Community Action - Survey
Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency, Inc. is beginning the strategic planning process thanks in part to funding through the Cayuga Community Fund. The Agency seeks input from community partners to help inform its plan and strategic direction for the next five years.

Please take a few moments to complete a brief External Stakeholder Survey by the deadline of November 17, 2017 by clicking on the link below. Please complete only relevant sections of the survey of which you have knowledge about the Agency. 

Thank you for taking the time to engage in this process! 

Tricia A. Kerr, Marketing and Development Director
Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency, Inc.

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