Tuesday, November 29

Pre-observation form submission
Please watch the video linked in the title for help in getting your pre-observation meeting information into the MLP system.  Any questions? Call me or Missy.

Bells will be off on December 5 for the assembly. 

Testing Week in January
Please let me know if you would like to have a midterm exam in January.  We are currently planning the week. Cathy gave me a tally of students that are taking Regents, which isn't a big list. The amount of midterms will help me to determine the final schedule and class days. Thanks.

Corrective Action Plans:
The plan along with questions/answers
I've been struggling to find a way to make the board policy of corrective action plans a realizable goal.  Please check the latest list along with a new column and a link to a file that describes the plans.  I am currently meeting with kids failing 2 or more courses who are currently involved in extracurricular activities. I have put some questions and my answers into this file. Feel free to send me any other questions.  This will evolve as we go, but I believe we're on the right track. Thanks.

MLP notes - From Missy Butler:
The observation function of My Learning Plan requires that all the components be scheduled/in progress before anyone can upload materials for those parts if needed/desired. It is simpler to open them now rather than waiting for each individual observation. This gives access to everyone at the same time allowing each person to work in that program without waiting on us. I will finish opening the components today for any staff who didn't already get the scheduling email.  These are not the real pre, post or observation dates. The dates you set with Karen or Kim are the ones you should adhere to. If you have any other questions or concerns, please let me know.

TED Talk from Sal Khan

Would you build a house on an unfinished foundation? Of course not. So why do we often push students through their classes before they’ve grasped the foundational concepts? In my latest TED talk, I discuss why we should emphasize mastery to help students realize their full potential.

Watch my TED talk

In my latest TED talk, I discuss why we should emphasize mastery to help students realize their full potential.
Sal, Founder & CEO, Khan Academy

State memos:

Changes in Allowable Testing Accommodations on the Grades 3-8 New York State English Language Arts Assessments
Summary:  Beginning with the 2017 administration of the Grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) Assessments, students with disabilities whose Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 Accommodations Plans (504 Plans) document that tests be read aloud (by way of human reader or technology) must be provided this testing accommodation in accordance with the specifications in the IEP/504 Plan. In previous years, only directions were to be read to students on the Grades 3-8 ELA Assessments; no other portion of the test was to be read aloud regardless of the circumstances. Additionally, this testing accommodation will be provided to students upon declassification with documentation indicating the accommodation will continue.

Computer based testing is coming.  Check this out if you'd like to:
CBT: Updated Computer-Based Question Sampler
·        This communication provides information about the release of the NYS 3-8 ELA and MA CBT Question Sampler for 2016-17 school year.
·        The updated Question Sampler can be accessed at https://ny-practice.nextera.questarai.com/.
·        School participation in operational computer-based testing and stand-alone field testing on computers will be voluntary for spring 2017 and can be selected through the NYSED’s online examination request system.
·        Details about “tech readiness” as well as other CBT resources are available under “Resources” on the CBT Support website: http://bit.ly/2fdm1dX.
·        See attached document titled Updated Question Sampler Memo.
·        Please send any questions or comments about the updated Question Sampler to cbtsupport@nysed.gov<mailto:cbtsupport@nysed.gov>.


AMLE Magazine - Nov/Dec  From the Association of Middle Level Education

A national push for well-rounded students
New grant will reward schools that improve access to music, social studies, environmental education and computer science.  As I get time (that's a good one!), I'll take a look at the grant requirements to see if we could qualify.  If anyone else would like to look, there are links in the article.

Here's a good one for discussion in science or social studies:
Bill Gates - Why I'm helping develop a fragrance to block toilet odors

Making STEM learning fun in the classroom
UBTECH Robotics, the company that created the cutting-edge Alpha Series of humanoid robots, today announced three California schools have integrated UBTECH robots into their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum.