Monday, November 21

Corrective Action Plans and the Academic Warning List

Please watch this video linked here.  This video will describe our noble attempt to implement an efficient and effective process for corrective action plans.  This process is required by Board policy, and it has been next to non-existent.  Please help me to implement this.  What I'm describing in the video should really help if we all pitch in.  This includes students.

Matt Bellace - December 5th Assemblies for MS - HS

With the help of BOCES and one other district, we've been able to get Matt Bellace here on December 5th. Matt's presentation in Ithaca was very well received by a few of our folks, so we decided to try and get him for our students. 

You can click on the picture to enlarge if needed.
Matt will do 2 assemblies in the morning. 

To make this run as smoothly as possible, Cathy and I worked on a new schedule for morning assemblies.  

Observation Notes
A teacher had some concerns about domains 1 and 4, so I'm making some clarifications.  Here is the overall plan:
  • 2 observations - 1 announced, 1 unannounced
  • Domains 2 and 3 are covered during the actual observations.  No artifacts are necessary. 
  • Domain 1 - evaluated via the pre-conference form, lesson plan, artifacts and pre-conference meeting.
  • Domain 4 - we evaluate based on what the individual teacher does professionally.  No artifacts are required.  However, if a teacher feels they should receive a high score in a category, they can provide the necessary artifact(s) to prove the desire for a higher score.

Community Garden:
Building Day a Success

On Saturday, we had a small but great group help to get the garden off to a great start.  I hope that our kids can get involved in several ways by next spring.  Thanks to John Barkee for prepping boards for the boxes.

Melody Lateer showed up and worked as hard as anyone.  She's a great kid.
Sometime in December, John Wagner from Wagner Vineyards will donate his time and install fence posts. We appreciate his willingness to do so.

Tom Scolaro Seeing Progress with Khan Academy

Tom has started using Khan Academy with his 7th and 8th grade students. He's seeing some really good results, with some students already at 50% of Khan's 8th grade skill set.

I decided to sign up for his 8th grade class. So far in a couple days, I've mastered 6% of the 8th grade skills! Don't worry, I'll be up to 10% in a couple days. It's a cool way to brush up on some skills, and as I progress, I'll challenge his students to see how many can beat me to 100%.

State Education Commissioner Elia and A.G. Schneiderman Offer Guidance to Help Ensure Schools are Safe Havens for Learning

A short while ago, a news release was jointly issued by Commissioner MaryEllen Elia and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. At the end of the news release is a three-page letter intended to provide school leaders with resources for complying with the Dignity for All Students Act and for addressing hate-based actions.

In the letter, school districts are encouraged to review their respective systems in relation to Codes of Conduct, DASA, and Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting (VADIR). The letter also includes numerous links to informational resources to help school staff, students, parents, and communities. In the concluding paragraph of the letter, those wishing to discuss local issues, topics, or materials are advised to contact the State Education Department's Office of Student Support Services by telephoning (518) 486-6090 or by emailing

Click here to view the news release.
Click here to view the letter.


Regionalization of school districts must be considered

Opinion: Teaching Life Skills through Arts Education