Monday, November 14

Grades due by Wednesday at 8 am; corrections by 2:30.

Some adjustments and one new term for grading

  • INC - Use this for an incomplete grade at the end of the quarter.  INC has no numeric value, which is a change from one of my last messages. I decided not to give this a value since it could negatively affect a student's overall average, which wouldn't be good when a student's work is incomplete for a completely valid reason.
  • *55 - If a student has less than a calculated average of 55, use this term.  The grade will calculate to a 55 in their overall average.  I'm hoping the * in front will grab some attention, and I will explain it to parents.
Community Garden Building Day this Saturday
We would love to have a few volunteers this Saturday morning at 9 for our Community Garden project.  We will be staking off the boundaries for the fence and raised beds.  Please let me know if you're interested. I'm confident that this will be a great collaboration for our kids and the community. Thanks.

Update on Lions Leos Club
You probably realize that I've been trying to get the Leos Club up and running. A local business man and Lions Member, Jeff Williams, has bee speaking with me about.  Jeff and I asked several students if they would like to attend a Lions meeting this week, and the students accepted.  I'm hoping that this is the beginning of a great partnership and a new Leos chapter.

For advisers or trip planners - Tour Companies
I received some info from the EFT Tours rep and one other company, so I put it in a file for your review.  It's in staff share / adviser info.


On The Lesson Plan: Make Stuff. Fail. Learn While You're At It