Monday, December 5

Remember - Assembly Monday with modified schedule:


Be very careful with addresses in emails
Just a reminder that everyone needs to make sure the addresses you're using in emails are what you intend.  I've made the mistake before myself. It's easy to start typing someone's name in and have some unintended name appear, even that of a student.  Double check every time. Thanks.

Good looking article on curriculum:
Rethinking school curriculum for a new world
An education thought leader says what we teach now has little relevance to the future

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Let's see if we can get several people to attend this valuable training.

HS teachers - talk to me about mid-terms soon.

CPR Class in Interlaken
I just received confirmation.  We will have a CPR class in Interlaken in the staff lounge- near the main office on Thursday, December 15 at 4:00 pm.  I will send a separate e-mail to those of you who have already responded to me.  If you don't get the separate e-mail, please e-mail me to sign up so there are enough instructors to accommodate everyone.

Thank you!
Dena Ganoung, RN
607-869-9636 ext 4162- phone
607-532-8540-  fax