Thursday, March 16

Good luck Lady Falcons!

Thanks to Felicia and Lisa for organizing the send off.

HS teachers - please check the PD schedule. 
Linked above.

Trip to Microsoft Headquarters - April 3 and 4
I was recently sent an opportunity to take 25 students to the Microsoft Headquarters. I put in for it and we were accepted. Rob Hermanet and I will be taking the group. Please click here for some information about the trip. This is a great opportunity for these students. 

Here are the kids:

Possible letter day switch?
Because of snow days, we could possibly rearrange some letter days to even things out. I'll run it by you folks first. We wouldn't do this right away, but several weeks out so that everyone knows when it's coming. I'll look at A-D days for the second semester and compare it to any snow days / half days / etc.  

Rearrange some meetings
We haven't been able to run enough of some meeting types after school, so I'll be rearranging those in the coming days. Next week, I'll meet with HS teachers in the library, and Missy will meet with MS/shared teachers in the lower caf. 

Youth Leadership Conference March 25

From the organizer:
Good Afternoon,

I am sending an invitation letter to local high school principals and guidance counselors of an upcoming educational and fun opportunity for high school girls in grades 10-12.

Lake to Lake Women, Inc., a chapter of New York State Women, Inc. is offering our 2nd (now annual) Youth Leadership Conference on Saturday, March 25, 2017 in Seneca Falls.

The day is focused around their life 10 years into the future after college (if attended), while working in the community.  There are presentations on workplace attire, banking tips (local bank representative) including student loan responsibilities, average starting pay ranges in the area for chosen professions, and other appropriate presentations.

A portion of the day is set aside for the Reality Store, which is a workshop where they see exactly what their monthly paycheck will cover…after taxes, student loans, housing, utilities, automobile, groceries, insurance, etc. as they visit various tables we have set up.  Some are voluntary (pets, etc.), so if they run out of money before they pay for their mandatory ones, they will need to cut back.  There are the “unexpected” items that can occur at any time (pregnancy, winning $ from lottery, raise at work, speeding fine, family funeral, etc.) that they will immediately need to adjust for.

Last year, we had 15 girls attend from 5 local school districts, and all felt it was a worthwhile event.
The cost is minimal at $5/girl to hold their spot, and will be returned the day of the conference.
Please review the attachments for more information, the registration form, and the photo release.If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me either via email or phone.

Thank you very much in advance,
Peg Nicandri, Co-President


See these attachments:  #1   #2   #3