Friday, March 24

Start a Garden Club?

Would you like to make some money by starting a garden club through the extended day grant? We'd love to start something soon. Please speak with Missy or Cathy if you're interested.

How about a PR Club?

I try to get info out to the public as time allows, but I'd love to have some help.  How about some students helping after school?  They would learn great promotional skills along with the latest tech tools.  Let's talk!

Cornell Summer College

Please read the description of this excellent opportunity that is linked above.  Jim Schecter from Cornell directs this program. They are offering a minimum of 2 scholarships for South Seneca, and possibly 3 or 4 depending on how many other schools get.

If you have students that you think would qualify, please have them write a one page essay describing their interest in the program and how they would benefit from it.  I will ask some folks to review the essays with me. We will pick 2 finalists and 2 alternates. Students from all over the world are part of the program. This is an excellent opportunity for some of our finest students. This year's juniors and seniors can apply. Thanks.

This financial package (about $6,500/student) includes tuition, room & board, printing, books, application fee, health insurance & fee.

3 lists directly linked from the master
I have directly linked the academic warning list, no extracurricular list, and restricted list from the
master home tab.  If you bookmark the master, you can get any file that is in the staff share folder.

Senior Memories

From adviser's email the other day: The sophomore class is currently planning the Silver Tea event to celebrate all the seniors' hard work! Our theme this year is "I Will Remember You." We are asking seniors to share their favorite memories of South Seneca, and as a surprise, we will be sharing South Seneca's favorite memories of them! In order to do this, we need your help. We are looking for anyone in the district to share their favorite positive memory of any members of the senior class. These memories can be funny, heart-warming, examples of great achievement, from sporting events, field trips, or class - anything that you can think of. They can be recent memories, or ones that happened many years ago! In order to successfully do this, we need one memory for each senior

To share your memories, please add them into this google spreadsheet: Senior Memories. Or, you can respond to this email with your memory and I will add it in to the spreadsheet. We ask that each senior only gets 1 memory, so it is first come, first served.

We are hoping to have all the memories collected by April 5, so please share before then! We want to show our seniors how fondly South Seneca will remember them!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)  Thanks in advance for your help putting together this surprise!

The Class of 2019