Monday, March 13

State memo on 3-8 testing

Middle School Testing file
Jackie B has been working on this.  If you notice any issues, please speak with her.

STEPS Weekly Update
The STEPS organization is doing some great work in our community.

STEPS Family Health Fair
STEPS is seeking a group of residents to coordinate the Family Health Fair this year.  If you went to the Family Health Fair last year and enjoyed it, Contact Lynne Doyle at the STEPS office 607-403-0069; or by email  We need a response by March 20th.  Thanks in advance!

Master file - all stuff linked from there
A couple of reminders:

  • The cover sheet of the Master file is like a portal into the magical world of the Staff Share folder.  If you're going to bookmark one file from me, bookmark the Master. 
  • Whenever I send an email that references a file that is located somewhere inside the Staff Share folder, I link that file from the message.  Sort of like linking here to the Master file. 

PD for Friday, 3/17
Missy and I will be finalizing the list this afternoon. I'm trying to find a way to get these things done several weeks in advance. Finding the time this year has been a challenge, but I will make every effort to do that.

Congrats to Daddy John Barkee!

Thanks to Fran and the Art Club for the beautiful showcases!