Thursday, March 30

Great job to the staff, cast and crew of the Wiz!

Mitch Perry, Audio Visual Coordinator
Mitch Perry is the new Audio Visual Coordinator for the district. He will be a valuable resource when it comes to microphones, presentations, assemblies, concerts, etc. This spring, we will be looking to use his expertise to help us configure systems, do maintenance and possibly some training. This role will evolve as time passes. Mitch is in the email system as Mitch Perry.

AMLE Newsletter
A few very relevant articles, especially the one on recognizing real news.

Alternative program here?
It's been working in Candor for over a dozen years.  Please check this out. I will continue to explore this in an effort to keep some of our kids here.

Seneca County Mock DWI event?
HS teachers: Please take a look at this and discuss in team.  With the snow days that we've had, I would need all of your support to take some students to this. We would need to leave after period 3 and would probably return in time for period 8 or 9. I'm thinking juniors/seniors, so please talk about it in team meetings.
From Sheriff Timothy Luce:  I have arranged for the Mock DWI Crash to be on May 11,2017 at 11:00 A.M.  at the Seneca County Fair Grounds , Waterloo NY. Any question don’t hesitate to call. Thank You for your patience in this matter.

BOCES kids 4th period
BOCES students should not be released from 4th period until 10:27 at the earliest. It doesn't matter if a student is in a learning lab or a class.

I just spoke with Kathy Bishop for clarification. She does not open the cafeteria doors until 10:28.  So if a BOCES student complains, there is no way they can get food earlier.  Since no other students should be released until the end of 4th at 10:30, BOCES students should be able to be at the front of the line with no problem.

Job seeker resource guide
Michelle Pronti from BOCES shared this with me.  It's linked above and stored in staff share / student opportunities.