Thursday, March 30

Great job to the staff, cast and crew of the Wiz!

Mitch Perry, Audio Visual Coordinator
Mitch Perry is the new Audio Visual Coordinator for the district. He will be a valuable resource when it comes to microphones, presentations, assemblies, concerts, etc. This spring, we will be looking to use his expertise to help us configure systems, do maintenance and possibly some training. This role will evolve as time passes. Mitch is in the email system as Mitch Perry.

AMLE Newsletter
A few very relevant articles, especially the one on recognizing real news.

Alternative program here?
It's been working in Candor for over a dozen years.  Please check this out. I will continue to explore this in an effort to keep some of our kids here.

Seneca County Mock DWI event?
HS teachers: Please take a look at this and discuss in team.  With the snow days that we've had, I would need all of your support to take some students to this. We would need to leave after period 3 and would probably return in time for period 8 or 9. I'm thinking juniors/seniors, so please talk about it in team meetings.
From Sheriff Timothy Luce:  I have arranged for the Mock DWI Crash to be on May 11,2017 at 11:00 A.M.  at the Seneca County Fair Grounds , Waterloo NY. Any question don’t hesitate to call. Thank You for your patience in this matter.

BOCES kids 4th period
BOCES students should not be released from 4th period until 10:27 at the earliest. It doesn't matter if a student is in a learning lab or a class.

I just spoke with Kathy Bishop for clarification. She does not open the cafeteria doors until 10:28.  So if a BOCES student complains, there is no way they can get food earlier.  Since no other students should be released until the end of 4th at 10:30, BOCES students should be able to be at the front of the line with no problem.

Job seeker resource guide
Michelle Pronti from BOCES shared this with me.  It's linked above and stored in staff share / student opportunities.

Friday, March 24

Start a Garden Club?

Would you like to make some money by starting a garden club through the extended day grant? We'd love to start something soon. Please speak with Missy or Cathy if you're interested.

How about a PR Club?

I try to get info out to the public as time allows, but I'd love to have some help.  How about some students helping after school?  They would learn great promotional skills along with the latest tech tools.  Let's talk!

Cornell Summer College

Please read the description of this excellent opportunity that is linked above.  Jim Schecter from Cornell directs this program. They are offering a minimum of 2 scholarships for South Seneca, and possibly 3 or 4 depending on how many other schools get.

If you have students that you think would qualify, please have them write a one page essay describing their interest in the program and how they would benefit from it.  I will ask some folks to review the essays with me. We will pick 2 finalists and 2 alternates. Students from all over the world are part of the program. This is an excellent opportunity for some of our finest students. This year's juniors and seniors can apply. Thanks.

This financial package (about $6,500/student) includes tuition, room & board, printing, books, application fee, health insurance & fee.

3 lists directly linked from the master
I have directly linked the academic warning list, no extracurricular list, and restricted list from the
master home tab.  If you bookmark the master, you can get any file that is in the staff share folder.

Senior Memories

From adviser's email the other day: The sophomore class is currently planning the Silver Tea event to celebrate all the seniors' hard work! Our theme this year is "I Will Remember You." We are asking seniors to share their favorite memories of South Seneca, and as a surprise, we will be sharing South Seneca's favorite memories of them! In order to do this, we need your help. We are looking for anyone in the district to share their favorite positive memory of any members of the senior class. These memories can be funny, heart-warming, examples of great achievement, from sporting events, field trips, or class - anything that you can think of. They can be recent memories, or ones that happened many years ago! In order to successfully do this, we need one memory for each senior

To share your memories, please add them into this google spreadsheet: Senior Memories. Or, you can respond to this email with your memory and I will add it in to the spreadsheet. We ask that each senior only gets 1 memory, so it is first come, first served.

We are hoping to have all the memories collected by April 5, so please share before then! We want to show our seniors how fondly South Seneca will remember them!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)  Thanks in advance for your help putting together this surprise!

The Class of 2019

Monday, March 20

Think about attending one of our musical showings this week. 
I'm sure it will be another great success!

Portal Passwords Reset
I just updated this file. If students want to gain access, please give them their temporary password.

Schedule question for next year
This year and last, I organized the master in this order - MS, Shared, HS, Aides/Assts. Within those categories, names are organized alphabetically.  As I get the master ready for next year, feel free to make any suggestions, and I'll work within my mental limitations!  I could possibly put some things on different tabs, but we probably don't want to end up with too many tabs. Now's the time to make suggestions.

2017 Call for Student Talent
Please take a look at this notice from the NYS School Boards Association:

Showcase your students' talents at NYSSBA's 98th Annual Convention & Education Expo in Lake Placid, October 12-14.

Three Exciting Opportunities:

1. Music: Instrumental or vocal student performing groups needed.
    Click here<> to read submission guidelines. Deadline: April 3rd.

2. Student Booths: New this year! Student Booth registration is
    FREE*. Demonstrate your district's creative programs. Space is
    extremely limited. Register today<>.

3. Photos: Send us photos of your school community in action to
    be included in slide shows at this year's Convention. Send up to 6
    high-resolution photos to<>.

Visit for more information.

Meetings on Tuesday:
HS teachers with Tim - library
MS/shared teachers with Missy - lower caf

Thursday, March 16

Good luck Lady Falcons!

Thanks to Felicia and Lisa for organizing the send off.

HS teachers - please check the PD schedule. 
Linked above.

Trip to Microsoft Headquarters - April 3 and 4
I was recently sent an opportunity to take 25 students to the Microsoft Headquarters. I put in for it and we were accepted. Rob Hermanet and I will be taking the group. Please click here for some information about the trip. This is a great opportunity for these students. 

Here are the kids:

Possible letter day switch?
Because of snow days, we could possibly rearrange some letter days to even things out. I'll run it by you folks first. We wouldn't do this right away, but several weeks out so that everyone knows when it's coming. I'll look at A-D days for the second semester and compare it to any snow days / half days / etc.  

Rearrange some meetings
We haven't been able to run enough of some meeting types after school, so I'll be rearranging those in the coming days. Next week, I'll meet with HS teachers in the library, and Missy will meet with MS/shared teachers in the lower caf. 

Youth Leadership Conference March 25

From the organizer:
Good Afternoon,

I am sending an invitation letter to local high school principals and guidance counselors of an upcoming educational and fun opportunity for high school girls in grades 10-12.

Lake to Lake Women, Inc., a chapter of New York State Women, Inc. is offering our 2nd (now annual) Youth Leadership Conference on Saturday, March 25, 2017 in Seneca Falls.

The day is focused around their life 10 years into the future after college (if attended), while working in the community.  There are presentations on workplace attire, banking tips (local bank representative) including student loan responsibilities, average starting pay ranges in the area for chosen professions, and other appropriate presentations.

A portion of the day is set aside for the Reality Store, which is a workshop where they see exactly what their monthly paycheck will cover…after taxes, student loans, housing, utilities, automobile, groceries, insurance, etc. as they visit various tables we have set up.  Some are voluntary (pets, etc.), so if they run out of money before they pay for their mandatory ones, they will need to cut back.  There are the “unexpected” items that can occur at any time (pregnancy, winning $ from lottery, raise at work, speeding fine, family funeral, etc.) that they will immediately need to adjust for.

Last year, we had 15 girls attend from 5 local school districts, and all felt it was a worthwhile event.
The cost is minimal at $5/girl to hold their spot, and will be returned the day of the conference.
Please review the attachments for more information, the registration form, and the photo release.If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me either via email or phone.

Thank you very much in advance,
Peg Nicandri, Co-President


See these attachments:  #1   #2   #3

Monday, March 13

State memo on 3-8 testing

Middle School Testing file
Jackie B has been working on this.  If you notice any issues, please speak with her.

STEPS Weekly Update
The STEPS organization is doing some great work in our community.

STEPS Family Health Fair
STEPS is seeking a group of residents to coordinate the Family Health Fair this year.  If you went to the Family Health Fair last year and enjoyed it, Contact Lynne Doyle at the STEPS office 607-403-0069; or by email  We need a response by March 20th.  Thanks in advance!

Master file - all stuff linked from there
A couple of reminders:

  • The cover sheet of the Master file is like a portal into the magical world of the Staff Share folder.  If you're going to bookmark one file from me, bookmark the Master. 
  • Whenever I send an email that references a file that is located somewhere inside the Staff Share folder, I link that file from the message.  Sort of like linking here to the Master file. 

PD for Friday, 3/17
Missy and I will be finalizing the list this afternoon. I'm trying to find a way to get these things done several weeks in advance. Finding the time this year has been a challenge, but I will make every effort to do that.

Congrats to Daddy John Barkee!

Thanks to Fran and the Art Club for the beautiful showcases!

Tuesday, March 8

Important NYS memo concerning DASA
Available Guidance and Resources to Combat Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination in Schools in Light of Recent Immigration-related Actions

Lockdown procedures
I have made a change to the lock down document (click the title). Please check the points of what to do in the execute lockdown section.  We're working on an easy way to help you get windows covered in case of a lockdown.

In addition to the PA call of "lockdown," we're going to try a special tone through the PA system so that folks in the gym or tech classes can have better notice of the lockdown. I will demonstrate this over the PA system in the near future. When we do it, the tone would last approximately 20 to 25 seconds.

FYI: I will do at least one "mini lockdown" drill where we will lock down something like the lower cafeteria during lunch. This will be a worthwhile exercise, and it will not inconvenience too many people.

PD file
Missy will be putting in your wellness choices this morning.

BOCES PD event on 3/17


Good article courtesy of Brooke Habberfield
Its an article about a student who hid her heroin use from her parents and the school. it appears the Opioid epidemic isn't going away anytime soon, so here is some info that may help you personally or professionally, while being around teens/young adults. Thanks Brooke

Tech and content team up in K12
Schools that set educators loose on digital playground allows districts to move beyond textbooks

Community Garden Article
This article was in the Finger Lakes Times recently.