Wednesday, Jan. 27

Semester 2 slots on the Master:
You'll notice that I've started to put some semester 2 slots in the master (see the new "sem" column).  It will be easier to track holes in the schedule by doing it this way, so look for that in the future if you have semester changes to some classes. I will be putting aide and assistant schedules on their own tab, which will help make both lists easier to scroll.

Friday PD Events:
Missy is working on Friday's schedule. One of us will send you the link when it's completed.   We are having an active shooter and DASA training, two wonderful subjects.  There are some other events people are attending that Missy will put on the sheet.

Conference requests for next year:
From my initial look at the budget requests, I'm not seeing much in the way of conference requests. Please do this: if you think you might want to go to a conference, but you're not sure of the exact event, please give me an idea with a request.  When someone puts in for a conference that wasn't budgeted the previous spring, I need to transfer money between budget codes. This can only happen when we have a cushion in other areas. If you want to modify your budget, please stop down today.

Table of Contents
Remember that we have a table of contents file that links to all folders in the staff share folder along with the files that are used the most.

Staff share and Table of Contents 
These links are now at the top of this blog.  If you bookmark this wonderful blog, these other wonderful links will be right at your fingertips.

BOCES Newsletter January 19:
There are some good opportunities listed in this newsletter, so check it out.

BOCES Newsletter January 26

TST Tribune January '16