Monday, January 5th

Good morning, and happy new year.  I hope everyone had a nice break.  APPR responsibilities are rolling along nicely.  I'm very happy with the things I'm seeing in classrooms. I'm sure you're well aware of the changes going on at the state level.  I'll try to keep you up to date on all that.  I'm still not sure how this will affect our current system, but I'm sure we'll do as well as any other district. The changes will be for the better in my opinion.

Have a great week!

General Faculty Meeting on Tuesday:
We will meet in the lower caf at 2:30.  Some info for the whole building will be covered.  Nothing earth shattering, but it's always a good idea to get together as a whole group occasionally.  If you have any questions that I can answer for the whole group, please send them along. Thanks.

Reminders concerning the fire inspection:
Here are some reminders that I spoke about with Todd.  Please help with these. Thanks.

  • Don't have any cloth hanging from a book shelf or other piece of furniture.
  • Don't have doors propped open. Heaters work better with closed doors.
  • No combustibles on doors.

Testing week:
I'm struggling a bit with January 29th.  We only have 2 tests that day, so I was hoping to have regular classes.  The problem is that it's a half day.  I'll figure this out in the next day or so and let you know.

John Hind schedule:
From John:
Good morning Tim,  I just wanted to touch base to let you know that I'm working to populate your tech PD calendar with days that I'll be out there this semester.  There will be a few exceptions here and there, but as a general rule I'll continue coming out on Fridays, beginning this week.  If you can pass along to your staff that I'll be out there this week, I'd appreciate it.
Here is John's schedule.  Remember that it's in the tech folder inside staff share. Please email him at

Don't feel guilty!  Nice little article here: