Wednesday, December 23

Have a great break!
Thanks for all of your support this fall.  I appreciate all of your efforts to continually improve our school.  Have a great holiday break!  

Email & Google Group Lists:
Please check this file linked here.  Follow the directions at the top of column I if you need to have me add or drop an email/Google group list. 

Anyone need help completing the ePMF (BEDS) form?
Let me know if you need help.  I can help you on Wednesday.

SURGE(?) Program?
While speaking at the concert the other night, I announced that we are applying for (and have a good chance for) a large extended day grant.  A recent graduate introduced herself and told me that we had a program called "SURGE" when she was here.  She told me she loved it and that Miss Wicks was in charge of it.  If anyone can tell me about this, please do.

BOCES 12/15 News

As always, some great opportunities from our friends at BOCES. 

Testing Week:
Count on Friday January 29 being a regular school day.  There is testing in the morning only with a limited number of students, so classes will not be hard to run. 

Board Room closed 1/5
Testing accommodations will be in the old AD office near the atrium.  Please report there if you have that duty. 

Conference attendance:

A teacher asked a good question about one of my last posts concerning proof for conference attendance (audit reasons):

If our attendance is verified through does that count?  When we go to a BOCES event we have to sign in.  It is then verified in the system that we were actually at the event by whomever is in charge of putting the attendance into  It has been that way for several years.  I just got notification today from a conference I attended yesterday that said that my attendance was verified by and  that I had to go into to mark the conference as complete.

From Naomi:
Great. Then print that and attach to your claim. Remember it is only if you have a claim (mileage, meals, hotel, etc) that you need to verify.

Striving to remember names:
One thing I'm not great at (I know, there must be at least 2) is remembering names.  Over break, I'll be working on a file to help me remember names by quizzing myself.  I'm putting kids' pics into a file and putting the names next to the pics.  The trick for me is turning the font white in front of a white background.  That way, I can run my mouse pointer over the space next to the pic as I continually quiz myself on a particular kid.  Click the file here to see the file. 

I like using tricks like this to help with memory. Something like this might help you to remember these too, or you could use something like this as a study guide for something else.