Monday, Feb. 1

Links file
I've started a links file that will hopefully hold a bunch of valuable links as time passes.  If you would like to help with building this into a valuable file, please let me know and I'll give you edit rights.

Free books from Ayn Rand Institute       Click on the title for this opportunity.

New and improved library schedule:
The library schedule is in the staff share / schedules folder.  You can take a look at available times and let Jody Gale know if you'd like a spot reserved. Click the title to see the file. Thanks.

Turning off P board during homeroom is recommended:
Are you putting announcements up on your Promethean boards? The reason I ask is this:  While in a recent meeting, a student mentioned that each morning teachers take attendance while their P-boards are up and running. The point being that every student can see icons listed next to student's names indicating whether they are IEP or 504 students or even special alerts. This student pointed out that this is no one else's business and that she felt uncomfortable about it.

Because of this, I think it's a good idea to keep your board off or freeze it until attendance is done.  I know that I asked you to have the announcements on the screen, but with announcements now being read, we should keep the attendance records off the screen.  If I'm missing anything with this, please let me know.
* Note on Promethean boards: The remotes have "Blank" and "Freeze" buttons that allow teachers to freeze or mute the screen.

Some good looking PD opportunities:

Corwin Webinars:
I just got a flyer about Corwin's free Monday webinars.  Check them out here along with other opportunities.

ASCD "myteachsource"
ASCD PD products are know to be of high quality.  If anyone would like to check out this product, please do and let me know what you think.

FREE WEBINARS with Educator and Author, Eric Sheninger
If you would like info on how to record any of these opportunities toward your 175 hour requirement, please speak with me.

Here's a fun Youtube clip, especially for you math and science teachers.