Wednesday, Feb. 10

Anyone interested in flexing your schedule?
I could really use some help in the morning as students come in the building.  We need a permanent presence out there in case of any problems.  I try to be out there along with Cathy and Missy, but sometimes we are not in for various meetings and such.  If anyone would be interested in arriving at 7:15, I would work an arrangement with you with that as your duty, and allow you to leave earlier with the exception of faculty meeting days.  Please let me know if you're interested if it might work with your schedule. 

Keeping Up With Labs:
I forwarded Ann's message to everyone yesterday concerning labs and keeping on kids to get caught up.  PLEASE check the restrictions list on a regular basis, especially if you monitor a learning lab. Thanks.

BOCES News February 9:
There are some nice opportunities in this week's news. 

Extending the Digital Reach
I received a link to this report I thought you might find interesting. Click the title.

Master Schedule:
I just made new sheets for each day.  Those particular sheets are organized by name.  This should help people get to things easier.

Jared Campbell May 2nd:
Jared will be returning for a performance for both schools on May 2nd, the day we return from break. More details to come.  I'll probably run the 1 hour delay schedule.

BOCES Weekly Bulletin from last week.

BOCES Dignity Act Newsletter