Tuesday, November 28

Please click the title to see our fundraising calendar. As of now, the only things on the calendar are high school events.  We also need middle school and sports fundraisers, so please send your events to Tera Stagg.  

This calendar is linked right at the top of the master. By having all fundraisers on the same calendar, we can make sure they're distributed in a way that doesn't overwhelm everyone. Thanks. 

Rich Johns on December 6
Mr. Johns will be speaking to middle school students in the morning and working with various middle school groups.

Student training for high school: He will be available periods 8 through 10 on December 6. I will personally ask teachers with 9th and 10th grade kids if they can allow them for this training. 

1 hour staff training:  We will make Rich available for a one hour staff training after students leave.  If you're one of our staff who is working late on Nov. 29, I will allow some flex time for this if you'd like to stay. This will be well worth your time.

Please check his website here. 

Missy and I have scheduled some time Wednesday for folks to work around student conferences.  The work detailed below is in line with our goals from last year's Self Reflection Committee:  
  • The Principal and Assistant Principal will assist 6-12 Departments in listing the skills students are expected to master by the end of each course, the identification of skill gaps in the curriculum, and assignment of the identified skills to particular teachers or courses.  
This work will be time consuming, and any small amount of progress we can make will be beneficial. For it to work, we need to take an all hands on deck approach. Missy will be in the library to help and answer questions.  Thanks for your help.

When you are not scheduled for a conference, please report at least once to the library to work on refining learning targets for various courses. Missy is currently working to explain the work with staff. 
  • The purpose of this is to ensure that the learning targets for students are available and written in way that others can understand. 
  • We intend to make these available online to families. 
  • Additionally, helping them understand the expectations for their child will help them support us in making their child successful. The more they understand and can have access to information, the easier it is for them to be advocates for education. 
  • Lastly, several teachers think it would be useful to know what else is being taught so they can help kids make connections, plan and adjust their own instruction. I know several of you have variations of curriculum maps, scope and sequence etc. that you use. Please bring what you have so we can work on making them accessible.
  • Links to learning targets / other curriculum documents that we currently have.  This curriculum folder is linked from the master contents sheet. 
  • Once we have most or all learning target docs, we will start the process of asking for gaps that you see for students entering your courses. I am attempting to get expert help from BOCES to further refine the process. 

There are several students who we hoped would have parent teacher conferences. We have time built in for you discuss the concerns of those students briefly and administration or guidance will continue to reach out to those families. 

Chromebook notes
Click the file here to see any students with Chromebook restrictions. If anyone who should be or is restricted is not on this list, please let me know. I've linked this file from the front of the master file.

I guess those standing desks actually work for student engagement!  Some more of theses desks are coming.  


Want to add databases to a course?
Check this video from Khan Academy. Additional lessons are linked on the left of the video.

NYSED Newsline, Nov. 21

Friday, November 17

BOCES Bulletin - Nov. 14
As usual, some great info from Barry Derfel at BOCES.

Professional On-line presence for high school kids
You folks know that I've been trying to push digital portfolios. I'm having more luck in the the Middle School, and I'm thinking those skills will transfer up into the High School.  Another idea for high school kids (especially juniors and seniors) would be to create a Linked In profile.  Linked In allows anyone to create a professional presence on line.  Please take a look at the article and feel free to let me know what you think.  Eight Reasons High School Students Should Be on Linkedin

Another free sample from Ergotron

Let me know if you're interested in trying this out.  It is designed for a keyboard and as a teacher standing desk.  

I'm planning to order about 15 to 20 standing desks from Ergotron. Feel free to get some feedback from Joe Brewer. 

Summer Fellowships for Pre-K-12 Teachers
Fund for Teachers    *Note: I have not checked to requirements for NYS teachers.

Fund for Teachers awards fellowships to pre-K-12 classroom teachers throughout the United States so that they may design their own professional learning that will improve their instructional skills, deepen their content knowledge, and increase student engagement in learning. Educators should propose a summer professional learning experience and explain how it will improve their teaching, how the applicant will implement his or her new improved skills in the classroom, and how these improved skills will benefit students, curricula, the school, and community. Teachers must have a minimum of three years of experience and be full-time teachers spending at least 50% of their time in the classroom. Eligible teachers may apply as individuals (funding limit of $5,000) or as a team (funding limit of $10,000). The application deadline is January 31, 2018. Visit the Fund’s website for detailed fellowship guidelines for each state.

Want to spread the good word?  
Email Charlie Wildey, our PR guy. Charlie's email address is cwildey@citiboces.org.  Or email me and I'll get it to Charlie and/or place on Facebook or my HS News blog. 

Athletics procedures for after school
This is from Heather's email on Nov. 16.  I've linked this from the master contents tab.

NYS News

Keyboarding Guidance Released
  • As mentioned in the recently-released Technology Literacy MemoGuidance on Keyboarding Instruction is now posted on the Office of Educational Design and Technology’s website. 
  • Keyboarding is an important skill that allows students to write with fluency.  As schools prepare for the transition to the NYS Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards, and continue the transition to computer-based testing for 3-8 English Language Arts and Mathematics, it is important that they begin planning for keyboarding instruction.
  • A list of  commonly-used keyboarding instruction programs in New York is also available on the Office of Educational Design and Technology’s website.  The list was generated from responses to NYSED’s survey on keyboarding instruction, released in early fall 2017.
  • Questions may be directed to the Office of Educational Design and Technology at (518) 474-5461, or EdTech@nysed.gov

Progress on Educator Certification (see attached)
  • Thanks to the advocacy and partnership of stakeholders in the field over the past 18 months, the Department’s Office of Higher Education has developed a number of regulatory amendements and updates to the educator certification process that enhance transparency and provide flexibility while maintaining quality.
  • See attached memorandum titled, “Progress on Educator Certification”
  • For more information, visit the Office of Higher Education’s website at Office of Higher Education

Cayuga/Seneca Community Action - Survey
Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency, Inc. is beginning the strategic planning process thanks in part to funding through the Cayuga Community Fund. The Agency seeks input from community partners to help inform its plan and strategic direction for the next five years.

Please take a few moments to complete a brief External Stakeholder Survey by the deadline of November 17, 2017 by clicking on the link below. Please complete only relevant sections of the survey of which you have knowledge about the Agency. 

Thank you for taking the time to engage in this process! 

Tricia A. Kerr, Marketing and Development Director
Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency, Inc.

Monday, Nov. 13

Note concerning lock downs
On Friday, I tested the "siren" ring tone using the PA system.  People in larger/noisier areas like the gym and tech rooms could hear it pretty well, so we will run this for several seconds after the words "lock down" are spoken.  I'd love to have some sort of light system available.  That might be possible in the future as the phone system is replaced, but this will help for now.

If you don't hear this but still hear the words, it's still a lock down.  You never know what's happening (real or not), so we'll run this if humanly possible.

Rob's tech checks available
Rob's tech checks are stored in the folder linked above. Thanks Rob!

Proposed Mission and Vision Statements
Please click on the title for the proposed statements that I showed at our last faculty meeting. The document is set so that you can comment. You can also email me directly. Thanks for looking.

BOCES weekly bulletin - November 7
There are always some great opportunities from Barry and his crew.  Below are a few examples.

BOCES 2017-2018 Creativity Contest

November 1-April 30

Student Submission Link


Debate Across the Curriculum Opportunity via Cornell
Cornell University is making their debate program available for schools. See the notes from my principal meeting here:
Jennifer Rudolph (Director of Pre College Opportunity Programs, Cornell) shared the work that she helps facilitate in many schools in our region, such as the Upward Bound Program and the STEP Program.  It is in this capacity that she was able to connect us with Ming-Hao’s invitation.  Ming-Hao Shiao invited students and teachers in the region to connect with Cornell University Speech and Debate Society, which is working in collaboration with TST BOCES, to identify one or two pilot projects and/or schools to implement for winter/spring 2018.  Their work focuses on the skills of argumentation, speech, and debate.  The pilot projects may include student-facing initiatives or educator professional development training.  The Speech and Debate Society will determine an evaluative and assessment framework to measure outcomes and effectiveness of pilot projects and link to existing criteria already being measured in the classroom, as well as Identifying resource gaps, opportunities, and funding channels, if necessary.  Click the title above for more information. 
Contact Ming-Hao directly if you or any of your teachers are interested.  Her email is ms2572@cornell.edu.

Standards Introductions
.... for ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and the Arts.

Memo from last week
*See the note about a grade being changed to a 50.  50 is the correct number. 

  • November 9th  -End of the first marking period
  • November 15th  –First quarter grades/comments are due in Schooltool.    Please check your grades and comment codes in Schooltool and make any necessary changes.  Please sign and return the attached acknowledgment form to the Guidance Office by the end of the day.  Phil Owens will be here from 9-2 on November 15th to help troubleshoot with any teachers who may have questions.  Please try to submit your grades early in case you have any issues and need to utilize his assistance.
  • November 16th –Reports are printed
  • Students should receive numerical grades and comments for all courses.
  • High School- to place a student on the restricted list, use comment codes 114-121.  Students with two or more failing or incomplete classes will be put on the Academic Warning List.  If a student is receiving an Incomplete, please use the grade note “Incomplete” to show this otherwise they will not be added to the Academic Warning List.  All incompletes must be made up by November 29th or they will be changed to a 50.
  • Comment code lists can be printed out of Schooltool if you need a hard copy.  Please use comment code #235 “see enclosed report for details” if you are adding a report to be mailed with the student’s report card.
If you want to include any information or additional reports, we must receive it by Tuesday, November 14.

January testing notes
I had previously mentioned that Monday, January 22 would be a "T" day and that we could move all remaining letter days for the year forward by one day. That won't be necessary, so the 22nd will be an A day, Tuesday a B, and so on down the line.

Monday, November 6

Lock down survey results and answers
I'll add more stuff in here as we do more drills. 

If you'd like to add anything, please click here. 
I've hidden the name column in case you put yours in. 

Schooltool help on Nov. 15
Phil will be in the building from 9 to 2 on the 15th. Please click the link above to reserve some time. 

January testing notes
Concerning letter days, I'm not going to change any around or make something like a "T" day.  Each letter day will be available that week anyway.  Any questions or concerns, please let me know. 

STEM is missing an important subject: languages
Thanks to Karen Sanchez for this article.

Faculty meeting on Tuesday
We'll have a full group faculty meeting in the lower caf on Tuesday at 2:30.

United Way appeal (thanks to John R.)

Hello everyone,

   I’m writing on behalf of The United Way of Seneca County.  In your mailboxes you will find literature/donation sheets.  Please take the time to read through the information and consider making a donation to The United Way.  Need is everywhere and I understand that the barrage of organizations seeking donations can sometimes seem overwhelming.  However, giving to The United Way of Seneca County can have a direct, positive impact on students/families in our district.  As you can see on the donation sheet, as a contributor to The United Way you even have the ability to choose how you would like your money to be used.  Please consider making a small donation (every bit helps!) to this local cause. 

Thank you for reading.  Information will be in your mailboxes.  If anyone does not get a brochure, or knows of someone outside of the building who would like one, please contact me. 

Schooltool Question for Phil
Feel free to ask other questions. 

Q: Can a teacher pre-enter an assignment and not have it show up in the grade system? This way, a student could see the assignments due without being penalized.


When a teacher creates an assignment, they have the ability to set a due date so parents and students can see when the assignment is due.  They can create these assignments at anytime they want without applying a grade to the assignment so that students can view the assignment prior to the due date.  They also can add the assignment electronically via an attachment.  As long as the assignment is left blank with no grade, the assignment does not count against the student until the teacher applies the grade.

Teachers also have the ability to turn on or turn off when assignments are viewable to both parents and students.