Tuesday, June 13

17-18 Master
The new master file is live with MS, shared, and HS schedules. Some things still need to be finished (duties, AIS preps, etc.), but classes are in good shape. A few teacher schedules (reading, RTI math, etc.) still need to be finished. If you see anything that needs to be addressed, please communicate directly with me.
New calendar sheet included:

Board of Regents Reduces Number of Days of 3-8 Student Testing Beginning With Spring Exams In 2018 

APPR update
Missy, Stacey and I will be working on finalizing everyone's evaluations/observation scores soon and sharing with individuals asap.  I have attached a copy of the APPR plan that was approved for this school year for your review.  I will provide a copy of your observation scores with a Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective rating attached.  The other component will be for our district test scores and all teachers in the district will receive the same Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective rating.

Regents/Proctor reminders (same as Cathy's email on 6/12)

Below is a list of what you need to if you are assigned to the following area:

    1.  Guide students to the location of the test they are taking.
    2.  Students waiting to take a test or finishing a test should report to the upper cafeteria
    3.  Students should NOT be waiting in the atrium

Stage Entrance:   Please get a portable radio from the office.  -
   1.  Keep students out of the hallways before, during and after tests.
   2.  The two bathrooms need to be checked between uses.  Please check the entire bathroom to make sure that a student did not leave anything there.  Please report to MR. H. if there is anything suspicious.  These bathrooms are ONLY for students who are testing in the auditorium .  Students waiting to take a test or for transportation should use the bathrooms in the atrium.

Front Hallway:
   1.  There are often tests located in rooms 112, 105 and the Flex lab.  Students should not in the hallways except to go to an exam or leave an exam. Students doing Regents Review should be escorted by their teachers.

Proctor Relief:

   1.  Let Kim Dresser know where you are going to be located (your room or another location)
   2.  When called, go quietly in to the room and follow the directions of the proctor.
   3.  Please do not disrupt exams.


Please remember your job is to supervise students.  If you bring work to a site you MUST be able to recognize if a student has a question or if there is any wrong doing.

Proctor Relief:

During testing if you need relief please call Kim Dresser (x 4122).  Kim will contact the individual(s) assigned for proctor relief.  We do not want people wandering around interrupting testing locations so if you need someone please call.

Also, there are individuals located in the stage entrance and the front hallway (most but not all days).  If you need some help, call.

Proctoring Forms:

Please remember if you proctor an exam you need to sign the form stating that you proctored (do so for every exam you proctor).  If you forget to sign the form at the location Kim Dresser always has extras in the office.


If you are involved in rating (grading) exams please make sure that you follow directions by the lead teacher.  When you are finished rating an exam give all the exams and the test booklets to Kim Dresser.  Please put them in alphabetical order.  Kim will notify me and I will scan them for grading at the CNYRIC.  Please make sure that you don't tell a student that they definitely passed or failed an exam PRIOR to grading by the RIC.  In the past students have been told they passed and ended up with a 63 or 64.


Exams must always be in a secure location.  Please make sure they are locked up in a cabinet or in the main office.  Kim and Karen leave at 3 p.m. daily.


If you suspect that a student has cheated please move the student to a secure location within that room.  The student continues taking the exam.   Please notify Mr. Houseknecht immediately so an investigation can occur.  If they are found to be guilty we must notify NYSED of the process and their exam could potentially be not scored.

Any questions during testing? Contact Cathy, me, or Missy. 

Fran's group working on the Garden mural - Thanks Fran!!

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