Thursday, August 3

Hi folks,
I hope you're having a great summer.  Our custodial and maintenance crew are once again doing a great job getting ready for September.  If you have any particular issues or requests, please make sure to put in a maintenance or tech work order. You can also call me if you have a particular question. My cell is 607-793-7846.  

I was recently asked to be on the Seneca County United Way Board.  It was a tough decision because of the time demands of this job, but I think it's important to have some "south county" representation within the organization. I will strive to keep you informed of the services available through the United Way. 

Below are a few updates.  I'll start to put some other updates together for another edition in a few weeks. Feel free to call or email any time, and thanks for taking a look. 

Welcome to Rachel Hallock

We're excited to have Rachel Hallock as our new earth science and physics teacher. Rachel attended Ithaca College and comes very highly recommended by way of Groton, where she taught middle level science.  Great to have you aboard Rachel! 

Parking lot updates
From Chris Courtwright, Construction manager:
The site contractor will start milling the parking lot at the high school starting on Tuesday morning, the 8th.  There will be cones/barrels in place so that traffic cannot get into this area while the work is being performed.

Lock update
Room locks might not be all in place until the last week before school, but Todd is confident it will get done.

High School: Falcon Friday plans
Kim deCoudres and Felicia came to me with a great idea for what we're calling "Falcon Friday," the first Friday of the school year on September 8. This will be a series of meetings for all high school students.  This will not be a letter day, so your C day will not be missed. The plan file linked above is stored in Staff Share / A-Schedules-Calendars.

New shortcut to the Master file

The shortcut picture here should be on your desktop.  No more fumbling around looking for the master file. Remember that I have a bunch of other files/folders linked from the main sheet.

The master file slices and dices its way to better organization, and now in a convenient desktop variety!

PD Notes

PD schedule
Our PD schedule will have a separate tab for each day, including half/early release days.  The cover sheet includes links to sign up for all events in MLP, especially important for those people who need to track hours.

Free ASCD Webinar - Digital Portfolios in the Classroom
This webinar (August 8 at 3pm) will be very relevant with our local work with digital portfolios. When you get to that link, there are other prerecorded webinars, so if you can't make it next week, you'll probably be able to access this one.

MTSS: Making It Work for All Students
This event (October 3) is designed for teams of  consisting of 2 to 4 teachers/admins. This is a free day long seminar at Salvatore's near Buffalo, which is about 2 hours away.  If you're interested, please let me know.  These types of things are always good if we can bring back ideas to share with all.

News and articles

July TST BOCES Tribune

Social and Emotional Learning Research Review

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