Tuesday, May 30

Reworked Yearbook dedication schedule
It was decided that more time was needed, so I took the music portion out of the plan and split things up by school.  I'll work on a modified pep rally schedule for a separate music event. I'll print copies of the schedule below for everyone and put them in your mailboxes. Thanks.

College Now Course Report by district
The College Now rep sent me this report.  We're doing very well compared to the average district. Thanks for the work on these courses.

Business office year end memo
This is the same memo you received last week.

Planner - this week and next
*Remember that the planner is a tab on the master file. 

Fidget spinners - from Patty Parsons (Thanks Patty)
My feelings about fidget spinners....the kids that should be using them aren't, the kids that shouldn't be using them are.  I do not let the kids have them out in my room.  They are not paying attention to me or class, they are paying attention to their spinner.  If a kid doesn't have one, they are staring at the kid who has one.  AND...that syracuse.com article you shared last week about the kid knocking their tooth out and having to get a $4000 root canal....enough said for me.  I'm hoping that the fad will die by September...but for now I am banning them in my room.

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