Tuesday, May 2

Final Exams for the HS Testing Schedule?
Have a final exam scheduled? Please let me know the date and time and I'll include it on the same sheet as our Regents schedule.  It will be posted on the website.

Health Fair Notes
Anne Guinan will be sending notes about next week's health fair by Wednesday the 3rd. 

Meeting Schedule
I changed May and June meeting dates. May 9 wasn't great because of parent meetings. Please check the meeting tabs on the master file. If anyone has a conflict for next week, no problem; just let me know. Thanks.

Cleaning concerns?
From Todd Reynolds:  Any staff that has an issue with any maintenance or cleaning concern is more then welcome to E-mail me anytime so I can address it quickly.
*Remember to use the maintenance work order system, which is available from the main staff link on the website.

May 9 Notes
Missy will be scheduling a couple of meetings.  If anyone in these meetings has a conflict because of a parent teacher conference, please let us know.  Thanks.

Please check the website calendar

Anything needed that I might have missed? Please let me know and I'll add it. 

Could this be considered for any future class trips?

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