April 26 - Open House Ideas

Open House Ideas

Here are some notes that I collected with others concerning open house.  Please take a look and let me know if you have any other ideas.  Let’s make open house great again!

  • Time frame:  Have it later; maybe early November after the fall sports.  Last year, far too many people couldn’t make it because of sports.
    • Possibly homecoming week?
    • Coordinate not to conflict with athletics
  • Make it a showcase of sorts.  Various groups could have displays and short presentations.
    • Trap Club, Art Club, etc.
    • Poetry reading in the library
  • Include some sort of treasure hunt.  That might get people to visit various areas.
  • Think about having all teachers in one or two areas - atrium, gym, etc.
  • Feed ‘em!  We could have various small servings available in different areas.  Maybe a fund raiser for one or several groups? Or get a few businesses/individuals to donate food.
  • Helpers:  NHS (community service), sports teams, others.
    • Get music or sports boosters involved.
  • A few tutorials for parents (safe digital use, drug info session, etc.)
  • Advertise it!
  • Have a babysitting room

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