Monday, April 24

April 14 2017 lockdown
  • State police and Officer Anderson helped out, which is appreciated. 
  • Most doors were locked correctly and students could not be seen. A few issues (below) that we'll address. 
  • One person was still teaching when checking doors. We will see if hearing the announcement was the issue. 
  • Some people were visible during door checks. I will speak with those folks. 
  • Some lights were on. Lights should be turned off. 
  • Locker rooms were an issue.  I'll work with Ken and Anne an how to address challenges. 
  • We missed unlocking a few rooms. 
  • Teachers have to lock from outside the door. This should be fixed with our new locks. 
  • Hearing the announcements are a challenge in the cafeterias, gym, weight room, and shops. 
  • Rest rooms can't be locked.  I'm not sure what we can do with that, but I'll check. 
  • Assemblies to review with kids
  • Shove desks in front of door when you can’t lock. 
  • Announce when we're unlocking.  Some younger kids were quite nervous when Tim was opening the doors. 
  • Meet with maintenance staff
  • Have someone at door with delivery drivers. 
  • Keys for police. Give a set to state police. 
Master Schedule 17-18
This is by no means finished, but it's at 90% for MS and 50% for HS and shared. Duties/lunches/preps/etc. to follow.

Summer PD form
Please fill in this form for any desired PD funding.


Solving the Homework Problem By Flipping the Classroom
This ASCD product might help you to make some positive changes in your classroom.  This type of work would definitely work for summer PD.

Beyond Power Tools: How Maker Learning Can Improve Social Dynamics