Tuesday, January 3

Happy New Year
I hope everyone had a great break. Nothing like getting a root canal and breaking another
tooth on my week off.  Oh well, back to the grind. 
If you need anything, please let me know. Have a great week.  

Facebook posts can really
get the word out:

Check out this post about Holden Waid's 100th win.  It reached over 2,600 people.  I'm not saying that 2,600 people read it, but that's not a bad number either way. If you have something to share, I'd be happy to do it this way and/or through the HS or MS news. 

Faculty meetings this month

January Testing Notes
I'll be making some last minute modifications to the January testing schedule this week. I'll share the final version again later this week or early next week. I did not want to cancel classes for 4 days this year, and I've been successful at that.  If I can have even more classes in that 4 day window, I'll adjust some more.

Khan Academy Reports
Tom has been making some progress with Khan Academy.  Click here to see a slide presentation I put together.  I will expand this as time wears on.  I'll also expand it to 6th grade as those kids use the program more. His kids are making some good strides in getting through the skills for each grade level. Let's hope their success here transfers into other types of assessments.

Did you know that Khan Academy has great video lessons in other subjects like science, grammar, and other topics?  Check it out; it's a great site. 

Middle School Schedule Notes for Sem 2
From Melissa Parish: I have created the new sections for second semester in SIS, so they will show up when teachers log in.  The sections are not populated yet, this was just a first step in the transition.  I will be moving students into these new sections starting January 25 in order to be able to provide them with new schedules on the first day of the second semester, January 30.  During the time when I am switching the students, teachers will not be able to take attendance in the first semester sections.  They will, however be able to enter second marking period grades.  I checked with Steve Andrews about this and as long as I use 1/30/17 as the effective date, teachers still "own" their students as of the end of the marking period and can do grades.  

MS extensions
Karen shared an updated MS extensions list. I also placed this folder in the staff share lists folder.

Wegmans Prescription Info
After Naomi shared info about signing up for Wegmans prescription service, I took her up on it.  Signing up was easy.  Here's a link to the flyer I had.  I saved this file in staff share / employment files / business office.


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