Tuesday, January 17

Reworked Staff Meeting Schedule
On Tuesday, I'll be meeting with high school and shared staff in the library. Here is the reworked schedule for the rest of January:

Testing Schedule
Click on the link above for the updated schedule.  We're currently working on subs. Please check the teacher schedule tab.  At the top, you'll see where we're figuring subs for any of you that need it.  This isn't completed just yet, but if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Budget - Requisition Notes
Remember that the deadline for requisition submissions is January 20th. Please put in for any conferences you'd like to attend.  If you're not sure but want to attend something, please give an estimate.

Graduation Changed to June 24
Based on popular demand the Board has changed graduation back to Saturdays, so it will be on June 24th at 10:30.  The PDF copy of the district calendar has been adjusted.  Sandy Jo and Cindy are notifying seniors and their parents.

Cool video made at BOCES with some SS kids

National Geographic Gender Article
Donna Mosher shared an article with me, and I found it online.  Some very interesting reading (thanks Donna).

NYS Teacher Retirement System Administrative Bulletin
This covers upcoming Pension and Retirement Education Program (PREP) seminars.

State memo:
Group II NYS School Report Card Public Release

Community Garden Gets a Nice Grant!

BOCES Tech Voyagers Opportunity

12:30-3:30 p.m. | Jan. 19 | TST BOCES
Short notice on this one, but I'd love to see a couple people get into this program.
Please email Justin DiMatteo if you are interested. His email is jdimatteo@tstboces.org.

If you have a vision or idea for meaningful technology integration, but need assistance in making it happen, then consider joining the Tech Voyagers!

This facilitated, collaborative, and ongoing professional development allows participants to focus on instructional strategies that can be supported by technology. Through in-person workshops, online work and in-classroom support, participants will create, implement and evaluate a long-term technology-enhanced learning opportunity for students.

Participants start with a question, problem or idea.  Together, we create a plan to address student learning needs and select technology that will support learning. During planning and implementation, teachers will learn and collaborate with one another and technology integration specialists. Participants will then reflect upon their experiences, make necessary adjustments, and share their work.

Co-teachers, members of the same department, or groups of teachers are encouraged to collaborate on a project together! In addition to the Jan. 19 in-person date, approximately three hours of online work are required.