Monday, January 9

BOCES Bulletin
Some really great articles and opportunities in this edition.
Testing Schedule
I will be letting the community know through Facebook and the HS News concerning which days students will be having classes.

No new purchases after Feb. 1:
From the business office: All purchasing that was not requisitioned last spring will be cut off on February 1, 2017. This includes supplies, equipment and additional payroll requests. It is earlier this year due to some state and local unknowns that will affect this year's and next year's budget.

Requisitions due by January 20th
Please submit your requisitions by January 20th.

PD Schedule for Wednesday Jan. 11
Please check the PD schedule for this Wednesday linked here.  As a reminder, this file is located in staff share / a-schedules-calendars.

Here is what's going on:

  • Transgender info sessions: Everyone is being scheduled for one of two sessions.  Brooke Habberfield and Cindy have found a speaker to share important
    points that we all need to be aware of (thanks ladies). 
  • Science department discussion - Tim's office
  • Castle Learning info sessions.  Castle Learning is a great study tool that we have had here for years. The problem is that we're not using it to its potential. The product is a great tool that can raise student knowledge and ultimately test scores. The presenter is a former teacher who has had great success with the product.  I want all teachers whose subject matter is covered by Castle Learning to know what can be done with it.  If we are better informed about what it can do, and if we use it more, we will see very good results.
  • Optional AXA presentation, starting at 2:15.  This presentation will be available in the board room.
Some people have not been added to Castle Learning because it does not apply to your subject.  I will be speaking with you individually, but I have signed you up for the transgender info session. Any questions, let me know. Thanks.     

Castle Learning Notes
Students who use Castle Learning typically have an average 8-10 point advantage over students who have not used Castle Learning for review.  Students who have struggled to pass find success when using Castle Learning to review. It provides the student with a hint and vocabulary if the question is answered incorrectly.  There is always a reason provided to fully explain the question.  There is feedback on how to answer constructed response questions so students can study correct responses.

Click here for Castle Learning's Student Regents Review Guide.  This is a great resource for Regents exams this January or June.