March 2

7 Rooms I Wish My School Had to Promote Teacher Mental Health
One of the rooms is the primal scream room.  We have that already - my office!  Come on in and give it a try!  And the puppy room - now that's a no brainer.  On a serious note, remember that we have a page in this blog for mental health links.  If you have extra links you'd like there, please let me know.

Year Round Gardening Program?

Click on the title for a short article from a school on Cape Cod.  In April, I'm traveling to the National Farm to Cafeteria conference with Patty Parsons and Kathy Bishop.  We're part of a group of schools in the TST Region that have received a grant to make projects like this happen. 

TST Tribune

The TST (BOCES) Tribune has some relevant stories worth checking out.  There is an article on area teachers who have achieved National Board certification with a link on information in case you're interested.  There is also a story from the P-Tech Academy.  Several South Seneca students attend the academy.

Teach the 2020 Census         View free materials here.

Statistics in Schools Week is March 2–6!

Use these mix-and-match activities from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools program to help your students understand why it’s vitally important for every person to be counted in the upcoming census.

Leveled for grades K–12, these multi-subject resources will help students connect with the census, from coun​ting for kindergartners to examining career statistics for high schoolers.

Cool mix of Art and Social Studies

I was visiting Trumansburg for a meeting a couple weeks ago and saw this mural with words from Frederick Douglass.  It's a great looking mural. 

Hallway Beautification Project

Feel free to look at the "Hallway Project" folder in the shared Pictures drive.  Jen Watson and I are working on gathering some pictures for some large frames that I purchased.  As a staff member, you have contributor access to this drive, so if you'd like to put something there, please do, or just email to me or Jen.  Picture files should be of large format.  Something like .png give more detail than .jpeg.  If you have any questions, please speak with Jen. Thanks!

Thanks to Tina and all the Falcon Players crew for their hard work leading up to this year's musical.

Let's all join them for a fun show!

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