March 10

March 18 Plans
Below is the assembly schedule for 3/19.  We will try to get bells to work for these times.  It worked out well, so class time will be minimally affected. This schedule is on the schedules tab of the master.

March 19 Plans
Please see the March 19 plans linked above.  Missy and I are still working on it, but we're getting close.  We have a few tech related offerings being added soon.  If there is something you'd like to work on, let us know sooner than later.

Get To Know
Mr. David Turken

Click on the title for my talk with David. He's enjoying his time here, and he loves the community support. This Emmy nominated interview (LOL) will be sent out to the community in my news blog.

Field Trips - get the word out

As we approach the spring field trip season, it would greatly benefit all colleagues if the teacher putting out the announcement could include what letter day the field trip is on. Please get your notices out well in advance, with a couple weeks being good.  Another reminder a few days beforehand would be good too. Thanks.

Want a second monitor? 
The CTS folks have some extra monitors, so let them know if you're interested. A second monitor even works in combination with a larger screen.  You can drag tabs or files from one monitor to the other. They come in handy when you're working with a lot of things at one time (maybe I should close some tabs!).

Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use
Updated Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use for Commencement-level Mathematics Posted on Office of State Assessment Website

  • The updated Guidelines for Graphing Calculator Use for Commencement-level Mathematics provide clarification for the usage of a graphing calculator device on a Mathematics Regents Examination.
  • Updated sections include the Introduction, Restricted Features/Prohibited Functions, and Calculator Tasks.
  • A new section with Frequently Asked Questions has been developed.
  • Questions about using calculators on State tests may be directed to the Of

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