December 16

Check out Giorgi's new site!
 This site will help Giorgi's students to find the resources she needs them to, and parents can see what students are working on. 

Thanks to David, Dolly and Kate for a wonderful concert!

Here is the report for this week's Board of Education meeting. 

Anti-vaping show on 12/18
Our vaping awareness and nicotine prevention game show is this week on Wednesday the 18th. We're covering a very important topic with this fun activity.
We will be running a pep rally schedule with a slight twist.  We need a full hour for the show, so we'll plan on everyone being ready to go by 1:20.  With that in mind, we'll turn the bells off after 8th period.  I would like every teacher and staff member to be present.  This is an important topic, and we should all have a hand in advising students about the dangers. Plus, it will be fun! Thanks. 

Athletics schedules posted on the master

I just put a link to our athletics calendar on the master.  I also received a wrestling schedule from Kenny Sweet, our coach.  

Faculty meeting info for Tuesday
We have faculty meetings schedule for Tuesday.  These include department meetings.  Missy and I can determine locations for them.  If you have a particular request, please let one of us know.  

BOCES Teknologia Project

Do you want to learn more about this great PD opportunity? Contact Paul Wiech at BOCES.  Paul's email is  Enrollment is always open with our next meeting on 1/16 from 4-7 and it is in Frontline.

Check out:

Rob's project

Jody's project

Some info from the About section of Teknologia:

DCMO reminder - the same as Naomi's email last week. 

Hi folks,

It is time to start thinking about your 2020-21 supply budget. CHANGE FROM LAST YEAR; You will only be ordering supplies through the DCMO website. All other items like field trips, equipment, contractual, etc will be requested on individual requisition sheets as was done in the past. A total for each category should be placed on the 2020-21 Budget Summary Form and submitted to your supervisor by February 3rd.

DCMO has updated its online requisition website which was available November 8. The new site is formatted and operates similarly to most online retail sites that you have already worked with. It is more user friendly with pictures available and a Cart to put your order into. You can also hold items for later review. Deadline to order is January 31st.

A DCMO  Online Ordering Memo was placed in your mailbox last week. The Memo addresses how to locate and log-on to the Online Reqs Shopping Cart Requisitioning Program. The memo will have each staff person's Name and Log-on with Password on the back of the folded memo.  Please put your log in information as well as the email of your supervisor in the space provided when you set up your account.

IF you did not receive a memo or have difficulty signing in, please contact Sandy Hauf. I will be meeting with staff in both buildings in December to go over the budget.

Next week I will send the 2020-21 Budget memo, Budget Summary Form and Budget Booklet via email to assist with your ordering for next year.

Naomi Zuckerman
Business Administrator

November 25

Room of the week --- Dave Zeitz!

Dave does some great group activities in his social studies classroom. In the class pictured here, students are working together on various documents in Google Classroom.  The students discussed the documents and developed answers based on their reading and discussion.  Good job Mr. Z!

Be The One postcards
in the office

Get your postcards and help out with the Be The One movement for next week.  Cindy showed me a few that people have done, and they are great!  Thanks to Cindy for organizing this.

Do you have your emergency plan folder?

A couple of teachers contacted me to say they didn't have folders in their room, so I added a section to my Navigate Prepared file linked here.  Please get into the file and let me know if you don't have one.  Aides/assts, don't worry about that unless it's an office that you work out of. 

Speaker reminder - December 3
Please remember that our guest speaker will be doing two assemblies next week on December 3rd.  I will send out a separate message about the plan.

Podcast: Future Skills for Fact-Checking Online Fakes

This podcast will give you a great overview to teach kids about fact checking in today's world.

Product showcase - Troxell

I just received some info on STEM related products from a company by the name of Troxell.  I saved their info into a new products folder in the Staff Share drive.  Feel free to take a look. 

Gym Lobby Arrangement

We now have a glass case near the aud entrance that will be devoted to band memorabilia. The Music Boosters have ordered a matching case for theater and choral items.  Because of the new location of the glass case (pictured),

I have moved a few tables that were in that area.  All of the high round tables are arranged in front of the wall mounted cases.  We can move a table in front of the gym door for athletic contests, but let's keep that area free of tables for the regular daily activities.  Thanks for your help in keeping that area looking great.
Click on the pictures to get a better view.

FERPA Review
It's good for every staff member to have a basic understanding of FERPA.  If you're not sure of how to deal with a particular situation, ask me.  If I don't know, I'll help you research, and we'll come up with the best way to approach any FERPA related issue.

Parents' Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: Rights Regarding Children’s Education Records

Student education records are official and confidential documents protected by one of the nation's strongest privacy protection laws, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA, also known as the Buckley Amendment, defines education records as all records that schools or education agencies maintain about students.

FERPA Defines an Education Record
Education records include a range of information about a student that is maintained in schools in any recorded way, such as handwriting, print, computer media, video or audio tape, film, microfilm, and microfiche. Examples are:
  • Date and place of birth, parent(s) and/or guardian addresses, and where parents can be contacted in emergencies
  • Grades, test scores, courses taken, academic specializations and activities, and official letters regarding a student's status in school
  • Special education records
  • Disciplinary records
  • Medical and health records that the school creates or collects and maintains
  • Documentation of attendance, schools attended, courses taken, awards conferred, and degrees earned
  • Personal information such as a student's identification code, social security number,picture, or other information that would make it easy to identify or locate a student.

November 18

Thanks to Heather for organizing the athletes' bowling night!
Lots of fun for a great cause!  I saw lots of smiles on Friday night.

Nice note from BOCES principal
I received this note from Kevin Casler on Friday:

Good afternoon Tim,

I felt it was important to take a minute and tell you what great kids you have at South Seneca. I walked your CTE students over to the cafeteria on Wednesday when they arrived here on campus. The South Seneca students expressed authentic gratitude to the cafeteria staff for the lunch and the service. Your students cleaned up after themselves, smiled, and left the cafeteria in better shape than when they arrived.

We can often get bogged down in all the day to day things we do, I wanted to share this positive experience with you.

Have a great weekend,


School Related Professionals Day is Tuesday, November 19!

Thanks for all you do!

Faculty meeting on Tuesday
I will email specifics soon.

Project Produce
Bring Science and Social Studies Lessons to Life Using Your Local Grocery Store

Objective:  Students will learn about plants’ growth needs and classifications by investigating how various foods are grown, imported and ultimately sold in their local grocery store. Through this lesson plan, students will gain a better understanding of the produce we eat.

DCMO Ordering is open

The Online Shopping Cart Program was opened up last night for use. This program is for the collection of requisitions for the 2020/2021 school year.

 Log in information should be in each staff members mailbox. Please let us know if a staff member needs assistance.

The Online Requisition Site will be up and running until January 31, 2020.

The site will close on January 31, 2020.  This date is bound by Bid Award Dates and cannot extend the timeline this year.

The DCMO sign in link is on the master.

Article: College test prep scams are happening

If you have kids in high school, please read, or you might want to share this.

November 4

Room of the week

Robin Parzych

Robin is a wiz on her Promethean.  Her walls are nicely decorated, and her students have a part in keeping things looking great.  Thanks Robin!

Suicide Prevention Center of NYS

The organization linked above has some great resources.  I also put their link on the Mental Health Links page of this blog.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Please remember to use the single parent-teacher conference file that is linked from the master.  There is a tab for each team in the file. Thanks.

December 3rd plans shaping up

Our speaker on December 3rd is Molly Kennedy, a motivational speaker who specializes in resilience for students.

The high school assembly will be from 8 to 9, so we'll miss most of period 1 and all of 2 to 4.  I believe it will be a worthwhile assembly that will touch on social-emotional topics.

Click here for the tentative middle school schedule for that day.

Anti-vaping show coming on December 18
Cindy Brewer found a great looking program four our kids, and I was able to get it for December 18.  It will not be on the same letter rotation, so that's a plus.  I'll share info soon. We will be running a pep rally schedule, so we won't be missing any classes.


Sue Kuck will be here on Monday, November 25th to help anyone who needs it for finishing off the BEDS reporting.  She will be in the library from 1 until sometime after school.  She's a wiz at this stuff, so your time with her should be very quick if you end up needing the help.

October 29

Room of the week:
John Barkee
John is pictured giving instructions to his students.  He reviews safety and setup with each student on every tool before they're allowed to use it.  Great job John! 

‘I Didn’t Know It Had a Name’: Secondary Traumatic Stress and Educators
Thanks to Brooke for sending this out last week.  Please click the title to read the article.

Speaker on December 3
Just getting out in front of this one:  We have a speaker coming in on December 3rd, which is our half day.  We'll have to get a bit creative with scheduling.  More to follow.   I'm working on another program to come in just before the holiday break.  It's a very timely anti-vaping program.

State Education Department Releases draft NYS K-12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards for Stakeholder Feedback

The New York State Education Department has released a draft of the NYS K-12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards for stakeholder feedback. The draft standards were developed and reviewed by committees consisting of NYS educators, parents, curriculum specialists, school administrators, and college professors. Work on the new revised standards reflects the collaborative efforts and expertise of all the above constituents.

NYSED is accepting feedback on the draft standards through November 15.
Visit the NYS K-12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards Review web page to review the standards and submit feedback.

For more information, contact the Office of Educational Design and Technology at (518) 474-5461 or

Supporting All Students: Resource Guides for Scaffolding Instruction of English Language Arts and Mathematics
  • Resource guides aimed to provide teachers with examples of scaffolds and strategies to supplement their instruction of English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics curricula were designed through collaboration between the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and partners in the field. 
  • Their purpose is to give teachers ideas on how they can supplement their instruction when teaching students who need additional support to learn academic content and be successful in meeting grade-level expectations. 
  • The guides use lessons from the EngageNY ELA and mathematics curricula modules as exemplars since this is a free and open source curriculum available for all New York State educators. 
  • The scaffolds in these guides can be adapted for use in any lesson and across content areas and are intended to be customized in any lesson teachers deem appropriate to best meet the needs of their students.
  • More information can be found on the NYSED’s Supporting All Students Resource Guides webpage.
  • Questions can be directed to the Office of Curriculum and Instruction at (518) 474-5922 or 

Free Online Resource Now Available for Educators to Recognize, Respond to, and Reduce Cyberbullying

A new free online resource is available on the Department’s website to assist school counseling and other staff in recognizing the signs of cyberbullying and how to respond and reduce it.

The resource is available at: CYBERBULLYING Response and Prevention.  Additional resources regarding preventing bullying and cyberbullying, and the Dignity for All Students Act is available on the New York State Center for School Safety’s web page at: New York State Center for School Safety.
Questions about the resources may be directed to

SEL Poster Campaign - Raising Adult Awareness

Increasing capacity and raising awareness is imperative to our success in implementing Social Emotional Learning.
In 2019, NYSED launched a year-long poster campaign designed primarily to increase the social and emotional competencies (and happiness) of Departmental staff and secondarily, to raise awareness around the role of social and emotional learning in our Agency’s work.
Download the posters and read more about the project on our website.
Questions can be directed to the Office of Student Support Services at (518) 486-6090.

October 23, 2019

Classroom of the Week

Rose Tirrito

Rose's middle school kids are doing some great work! 


PD file
Please check this.  We're getting close to being done.  Missy and I will be finishing it up today.  We're the walking wounded this week, but we're getting it done.

Red Flag Law
Please see the memo linked above from NYS.

Vaping report
Please see the report linked above about vaping.  Thanks.

Win a share of $3 million in classroom technology
Samsung Solve for Tomorrow | 10th Anniversary:
Are you a public school teacher in grades 6–12? Then this contest is for you!  Show us how you and your students will build a better tomorrow with STEM, and you could win up to $100,000 for your school! It's easy. Apply now by entering your idea. From there we'll select 300 state finalists to compete for the big money. Simple as that. Act now before contest ends on October 23rd.

Lock down shades

I just received a sample of a lock down shade.  It looks like a quality item, so I'll be ordering some.  I'll get some measurements soon.

Six Flags Great Escape Field Trips
I received some info from Six Flags.  Click the link above for specifics.  It looks like a very reasonable deal for anyone planning student trips.

Wow - those library folks making it happen! 

October 15, 2019

Room of the week:
Megan Brunkhorst

Megan is using all sorts of games to get kids engaged. 
Thanks Megan!

TST Tribune - 3 SS students of the month
Three of our students are students of the month at TST BOCES.  Now that's great news.

I just sent out the Restricted list for the first 5 weeks.  There are often questions about what this means (especially with new staff) so if any come up, I will refer them to you and the student code of conduct.

Please check the PD file.  Missy is just about done with it.  Locations still need to be put in, but if there's an issue with your section, please get in touch with either of us. 

Super 6th grade trip!

Thanks to Donna Mosher for organizing a great trip on the Erie Canal.  It was a great trip for the kids.  We have so many opportunities within 50 miles of school. 

Great job on cases
Thanks to Bev Wyckoff for the super work on the Middle School side of the library!

New York State Teacher Retirement Seminars
I just received the seminar schedule. It's posted in the mail room. 

October 7, 2019

Room of the week

Chad Eastman

When Chad moved into this room last year, he took some old scientific tools and put them on the walls.  The room looks great. 


Thanks for a successful homecoming week!
A big thank you to everyone who made our homecoming week a big success.  A special thanks to our coaches and class advisers. A super huge thank you to Tera Stagg and Jessica Northrup.

Batman (our Grand Marshall) flew in from Gotham City!

Fabulous Freshmen

Swell Sophomores
Jovial Juniors
Super Seniors

Faculty Meeting on Tuesday
We'll meet in the library at 2:30.

Don't "click here" if you don't know where it's coming from!
I just received the email pictured below.  Just a friendly reminder to be very careful.  If you don't know the source, don't click the link.

Navigate Prepared Notes
There have been some questions/concerns about how we will use the Navigate Prepared program.  I don't have all the answers, so I emailed Dan Leakey, the Navigate rep.  Please check the file. You can comment or email me. Thanks.

National Geographic GeoChallenge
Click the link above if you'd like to know more about the National Geographic Geochallenge.  This might be a great project that coincides with our new "Green Team" that we started last year.  The Green Team is a collaborative effort between our school and interested community members. We'll soon be getting the results from the Impact Earth waste study that was done in coordination with the Green Team. Who knows, with the help of Impact Earth and a healthy grant award from Geochallenge, maybe we could make our school more green and tie it in with various classes.

From the Geochallenge page at National Geographic

New Staff & Student Opportunities section in the Master file
I get a lot of event notices, so I'm starting a new section of the links page on the master to store links to those.  Just click on the link pictured at the top, or simply scroll down while on that sheet.  I only have a few things in there now, but I'll add more as I get them.

Sexual Harassment Training

Below is the link for anyone who hasn't taken the training yet.  Please get it done soon if you haven't.

Here is the link for any staff person to take the NYS required Sexual Harassment Training. I am sending it to you and you can forward to staff in your departments.

Just a reminder that staff must take this training within 30 days of hire including substitutes.

Steps to follow:
1- Send link to employee.
2- Employee then registers as self.
3- Employee will then take the training and print a certificate as proof of training.
4- Certificate is then forwarded to Supervisor then to Shelley Reynolds.

Naomi Zuckerman
Business Administrator

Trauma Informed Education - show on PBS

A colleague shared this with me last week.  It aired on WCNY, and it's available on their website.  Please click on the title to find it.

This is airing on pbs now. It’s very good. The focus is on trauma and focusing on what happened to these students instead of the behaviors or symptoms. The trauma effects the students perceptions. They have trouble getting around the trauma and graduating.

Just wanted to share this short Connect NY broadcast, "Trauma Informed Education." I watched this last night and find it very interesting because it's something I've though about for some time. I'm particularly interested in pathways for success for these students. The Superintendent of  Rochester schools, appears in the video and was very compelling that this exists on many levels, including with himself, and that students can still find success.

Last week I heard a news broadcast that said 50% of students in the Syracuse district meet the definition of living in poverty. Poverty is among the contributors to family stress and repetitive trauma.

Cool Music Department website area:
Thanks to the music teachers for jazzing up the Music department section of the site!

September 30, 2019

Room of the week:

Edie Fulton!

Let's fill these up!  Let me know of some ideas.

9th grader loves all his teachers

From a parent last Friday:
"I just wanted to let you know that my wife asked my son who his favorite teacher is this year. His response surprised both of us when he said he didn’t have one. He loves them all. If you could mention it to your staff, we would appreciate it."

You have such an effect on kids

The other day, a student told me that he respects a teacher so much that he thinks of that teacher as a second parent.  I'm proud that this student has such a high level of trust in one of our own. I'm obviously mentioning one relationship, but I'm sure this level of respect happens every day.  We all have such a chance to influence our kids in a positive way, and I'm proud of all of you for your dedication.

Great info from John Barkee 
(thanks John)

Just passing this along. Here is a pic of my DDP students starting the technical lettering unit.

I discuss the importance of neat, consistent lettering and the importance of it to properly communicate in a technical setting. I also discuss the role of the computer in the technical fields to letter/label most communications today, but I emphasize the importance of the the hand technical lettering skills for updating drawings in the field, use by small general contractors who don't rely on computers, and the spill over into other areas where they will find it very useful.

What John mentions here provides a good reason for us to make a serious effort and completing the Skills Win list.  We can consider input like John's and make/suggest adjustments based on that input.

From Missy's desk:

Linked above are opportunities from BOCES around Social Emotional Learning Standards, Literacy, and Math.

SEL Opportunity at BOCES               Math Teacher's Network           Literacy Leadership

Thanks for the great conversations on the early release day! 

September 23, 2019

Classroom of the week: 
Connie Adams
Great job Connie!!

Please note: If you're not seeing the picture here, please let me know.  I've been having some problems with pictures in this tool. 

PD schedule finalized for Tuesday
Please click on the title above for the PD schedule.  We have the meetings going until 3:00 since it's a faculty meeting day.  If you have any questions, please ask me or Missy. Thanks.

Board Report for September 25 meeting
Every month from September to June, Adam and I prepare board reports for the Board of Education.  These are public documents, so I'll share them with you when I get them done.  In the report, there are descriptions of several social media pages that we use.  Feel free to subscribe to those if you use Facebook or Instagram.

Remember to use work orders
Work orders help the tech and maintenance folks to keep track of needs, so make sure to use those.  From what I've seen this year, those systems are working well.

You Can't Hit Unsend:
How A Social Media Scandal Unfolded At Harvard

While in the car the other day, I caught part of this episode of Hidden Brain.  It's a very moving story about a Harvard hopeful whose life was changed because of something stupid that he decided to post on line.  It's worth a listen, and worth sharing.

Back to School Time
A moving clip from Sandy Hook Promise. A not so subtle reminder that the potential is still there.  Let's all keep an eye on every kid.

Castle Learning Webinar Series

This FREE 6-session series will introduce Teachers and Instructional Technology Support Specialists to using Castle Learning as well as include all the NEW FEATURES that have been added this past school year.

Applicable for: Grades K-12: Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, French, and Music. This is also a great resource for Special Education Teachers.

A certificate of attendance will be given with each session. NOTE: It is up to your school to offer any CTLE credit for your attendance. We do not offer CTLE credits at this time.

Each session below is offered this Fall on Tuesdays at 4pm and Wednesdays at 6pm.

September 24th and 25th: Student Center and Creating Classes

October 1st and 2nd: Creating Assignments using the Castle Questions and Keyword Search and How to Use Self-Assign for Class Activities

October 8th and 9th: Assignment Editor Screen, NEW Printing feature, and Assign to Students

October 15th and 16th: Students Answering CR Questions, Grading Constructed Response, Reports and Auto Mastery Retake Assignments

October 22nd and 23rd: Co-Teacher, Creating Folders, Share, Duplicate, etc. Linking assignments with Google Classroom and various LMS’s, and finding specific content area questions - ELA (Lit Sets, Reading Sets, Source Writing Essays), Spanish/French, Math Skills, Global/US History, and Science.

October 29th and 30th: Personal Content (Create/Edit Castle Questions, Attach Resources, Flashcards)

Spread the Word To Rock the Vote
Each year on the fourth Tuesday of September, National Voter Registration Day celebrates our democracy in the United States. Encourage your eligible students to register to vote so that they can take part in the upcoming primary and general elections in November—which is excellent practice for the 2020 presidential election.

NYS K-12 Kids Safe Online Poster Contest

The New York State Office of Information Technology Services’ is once again hosting the “NYS K-12 Kids Safe Online Poster Contest.”  The contest is open to all students in New York State public, private and home-schools.

This is a great opportunity for teachers to talk to students about being safe while on the Internet and while using computers and mobile devices.  The contest has five entry categories: Kindergarten–Grade 2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12 and Special Education. New York State winners will be displayed in the 2021 NYS Kids Safe Online Calendar and entered into the MS-ISAC National Computer Security Poster Contest.

More information on the “NYS K-12 Kids Safe Online Poster Contest” can be found on the contest web page at Questions regarding the contest may be submitted to

Don’t miss out!  The contest entry deadline is December 9, 2019.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Jessica E. Smith
Strategic Planning and Program Management
Chief Information Security Office

Office of Information Technology Services
W. A. Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Ave., Bldg. 5, 4th Floor, Albany, NY 12226
(518) 242-5020 |

New Safety Folder
I made a new Safety folder in the Staff Share drive.  The first think in there is a letter concerning sex offenders from the sheriff.  There are phone numbers and links in that letter.  I also have the drill record for the year.

If you have any suggestions for folders or files to be inserted into the Staff Share drive, please let me know.

Literacy Leadership PLC Opportunity
From Beth Dryer at TST BOCES:
I'm writing to share another professional learning opportunity that is focused on integrating SEL into ELA/academic literacy curriculum and instruction.

The Literacy Leadership PLC is intended to build teacher leadership capacity; consequently, the "ideal participant" is one who is eager to formally share their work/learning with colleagues in their home districts.

Check it out if you are interested; please pass the information along to others.
Registration will be available in Frontline by Friday (9/13).
Thanks for your time-

September 16, 2019

I wanted to get this out sooner, but sometimes it gets so busy that a bunch of emails go out instead.  I'll do my best to get this out at least once per week, which helps keep the emails down to a manageable number.

Observations coming up:
We will be starting up observations soon.  As usual, we will have 2 observations - 1 announced and 1 unannounced during the school year.  For the announced observation, the pre-conference form needs to be completed along with a lesson plan and any artifacts you would like to submit.

All observations will be conducted through My Learning Plan (MLP).

I have linked a pre-observation form here for the announced observation.  You can choose to complete this form or fill out the form posted on MLP.  It is completely up to you which form you complete.  You simply have to fill out the MLP on line and click submit or fill this out and add it as an attachment.

Don't pay attention to the dates in MLP.  For ease of getting you access, we are opening up all the announced observations (meetings, observations, post observation forms).

PA system
First of all, sorry for the tests on Friday. We brought in the company to help us get the issues ironed out, and I believe we're set.  Please keep me informed of any ongoing issues.

Pictures - help to share the good news

Please remember that we have a "Pictures" shared drive.  This helps us to organize all the great pictures from year to year.  You have edit access to this folder, so feel free to add files.

Flu clinic:
The clinic in the middle high school will be held in the health office on Monday, September 30 from 2:00 pm- 3:00 pm.

Period by period attendance needed
Please remember to take attendance for each class.  This is very important.

Need to remove a student from class?
Hopefully it's not often, but every once in a while a student needs to be removed. It's always good to call the parent after you do so.  Get to the problem early to help the student (and the parent) understand your expectations.

Ask me or someone else to meet with you and a student
I've already met with two teachers along with students who have been having some problems in class.  Feel free to bring me, Cathy, Missy or anyone else into the picture to try and help.

Systems of Care in Seneca County - Meet and Greet
From Bob Ritter at Seneca County

Linked above, please find a Save the Date flyer for a networking event planned for November 6. The Systems of Care Committee has planned this event to bring together professionals who work with the youth of Seneca County. Systems of Care is a set of principles that recognizes that a network of people play important roles in the lives of our youth. Our youth is best served when these people work together to help youth in a person centered and family driven manner. What does that mean? It means we help the youth and family identify the strengths and challenges for the individual youth and “wrap” services and activities around that youth to foster positive development. We don’t just plug the youth into a service system.

By holding this event, we hope to bring professional together in a manner that promotes professional networking. We hope some of you will choose to join our committee and help us toward our ultimate goal of including and empowering families in this effort. The professionals who are being invited to this event include public service providers, school staff, law enforcement, private service providers, family support advocates, and more. Many changes have occurred in 2019 in youth services. You are sure to learn about some interesting developments of which you were unaware.

Please plan to attend this event and be prepared to share what you offer as well as learning about other services and opportunities. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Also, please feel free to share this flyer with your colleagues.

Bob Ritter
Coordinator of Children’s Services
Seneca County Mental Health
Phone: (315)539-1752

Tech Updates

Navigate Prepared
Next up on the "fix it" agenda is Navigate Prepared.  Mike is working with the vendor to get student and teachers lists updated. We'll have this up and running very soon, and I'll work with everyone so that they understand it.  It's not a mandatory thing, but I highly recommend it.  We're paying for it; we might as well use it to its capabilities.

Google Classroom Updates
Above is a link to an article about updates to Classroom.

Please check any web pages associated with you or your department.  If updates are needed, please communicate with Rob Hermanet.

Updates to work orders
South Seneca CSD would like to welcome you to ML Work Orders™ Software.  This is available by going to the "Staff" link at the top of the district website.

Your username is the same one you use to login to Active Directory. This is the username that you use to log in to other computers throughout the district.
Your password is the same one you use to login to Active Directory. This is the password that you use to log in to other computers throughout the district.
To learn more about ML Work Orders™ Software including easy-to-use, step-by-step procedures, please visit the online Help website at

GoGuardian Updates (from GoGuardian)
As you prepare for the upcoming school year, we are excited to announce that GoGuardian Teacher will have an interface update coming next week! The product may look a little different, but the functionality is generally the same and more intuitive than before.
We will be notifying teachers directly about the changes via in-app message and email. All help center documentation will be updated for the release. While we are working on new training videos, here is an instructional video detailing changes in the new interface.

Sneak peak video

Here are some of the improvements
  • Ability to run commands directly from a student’s tile in screens view and from enlarged student screens
  • Better visibility of commands (ex: Snapshot button is static, no hovering required)
  • All live classrooms will appear in the main navigation
  • Ability to scroll through timeline view with computer trackpad
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your customer success representative.

ASCD Free Teacher Resources

June 17, 2019

School is almost out for summer!

Adviser reports and applications
...previously shared via email

Class/Club adviser report for 18-19

Class/Club adviser sign up form for 19-20

  • If you have not filled out these forms yet, please do so asap.  For people who plan to repeat as advisers, I cannot approve any 19-20 apps without first receiving your 18-19 reports.

Summer PD update
I am just about ready to let all applicants know of approved PD hours.  Sorry for the delay.  It's that time of year. 

Need work done this summer?
Make sure you get any CTS or building help tickets filled out.

Room changes

  • Our new 15:1 program will be in Tera's current room, and Tera will be moving to the room where Kim Lawrence is currently located. 
  • I am seriously considering a new use for the current high school computer labs.  Any suggestions are welcome. 
  • Any other ideas? Let me know. 

Reworked links page on the master 
I reorganized links on the cover tab of the master file.  This will carry over to the 19-20 file. If you'd like to see a file linked from there, please let me know.

End of Year Luncheon!

The month of June is quickly coming to an end and you are invited to the End-of-School Year Luncheon. Join us as we celebrate fellowship and a delicious lunch. 
Click here for the sign up link.

  • Who: Ovid Campus Faculty and Staff - anyone is from the district is invited
  • What: End of the year luncheon
  • Where: Ovid LMC
  • When: Monday June 24th, 11:00am - 1:00pm 
  • Why: Because it's Fun - Don't be a fun sucker 
  • How:  Please contact Bev to sign up to share a dish. 

State and BOCES news below:

New York State Mentor Program
I received a letter from NYSED explaining the reinstated NYS Mentor program.  Please take a look.  I'm hopeful that we can take a serious look at the possibilities.

NEW Edition of the NYS Next Generation Roadmap Spotlight Available Now 
  • With the help of New York State districts and BOCES, the Office of Curriculum and Instruction published the 2nd Edition of the NYS Next Generation Roadmap Spotlight!  The Roadmap Spotlight encourages district-to-district support and collaboration throughout our state as we progress through the three phases of the Next Generation Learning Standards Roadmap.  This platform enables educators, administrators, and leaders to benefit from the collective knowledge and experiences of colleagues. 
  • In this edition, you will read about: 

Last BOCES News for this year

BOCES Teknologia Project

Rob and Jody recently participated in the BOCES Teknologia project.  Feel free to click the eportfolio link below to see some great projects.

Over the past 10 weeks TST BOCES has hosted upwards of 40 amazing educators with representation from each of our nine TST regional districts, participating in the Learning Tech Grant, Teknologia Project. These teachers have been collaborating across districts in the areas of: digital storytelling, podcasting, 3D video making, robotics, coding, collecting aerial footage by learning how to fly drones, exploring and recording images and data from trail cameras, and creating reflective ePortfolios to demonstrate their learning throughout the process.

They have become pioneers of their learning taking on the role of the student. Throughout this experience they have learned what it feels like to explore new ideas and devices, to be confused, struggle, fail, and find successes by engaging in their own hands-on, collaborative learning.

Message from State Ed:
A Universe of Stories” 
Unlimited Access to 6,000 FREE E-Books from myON’s Digital Library for Summer Reading at New York Libraries!
  • You are receiving this communication to inform you about the 2019 partnership initiative between the State Education Department’s Summer Reading at New York Libraries program and myON by Renaissance.  Beginning May 1, young readers across the State now have unlimited free 24/7 simultaneous access to more than 6,000 fiction and nonfiction e-books through September 30, 2019.
  • The State Education Department encourages you to share this reading opportunity broadly with school administrators, teachers, school librarians, students, and parents. Please distribute the myON/Summer Reading fact sheet broadly and follow these instructions for placing the Web Badge on BOCES, district, school, and school library webpages, as appropriate.
  • The Summer Reading at New York Libraries/myON partnership aims to keep children from birth through 12th grade and their families reading and learning through the summer by providing them with access to free e-books. It also encourages students and families to visit and use their local libraries for a wide variety of free book (including e-book) selections and engaging summer programs and fun learning activities.
  • In addition to unlimited simultaneous 24/7 web access via one simple statewide login, families can use the myON app to download up to twenty books at a time for reading offline. Many titles from the myON collection, including books in Spanish, have recorded audio, text highlighting, and other features to help strengthen reading skills and help prevent summer slide.
  • The attached Fact Sheet is available for downloading and printing at Summer Reading at New York Libraries/myON Facts Sheet.
  • For information about Summer Reading at New York Libraries and helpful educator resources, visit Summer Reading at New York Libraries.
  • Questions about Summer Reading at New York Libraries and/or the 2019 myON partnership initiative may be directed to Sharon Phillips, Summer Reading Program Coordinator, New York State Library, at 518-486-4863 or Professional Learning Opportunity in Computer Science
  • Computer science opens doors of opportunity — every student can benefit from a foundational understanding of the creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving behind the technology we use in our daily lives.
  • and select regional partners are offering summer workshops for teachers and schools, who are encouraged to apply to qualify using the following links: Grades 6-12Grades K-5
  • If you have any questions about applying or workshop schedules contact a regional partner by visiting: