November 18

Thanks to Heather for organizing the athletes' bowling night!
Lots of fun for a great cause!  I saw lots of smiles on Friday night.

Nice note from BOCES principal
I received this note from Kevin Casler on Friday:

Good afternoon Tim,

I felt it was important to take a minute and tell you what great kids you have at South Seneca. I walked your CTE students over to the cafeteria on Wednesday when they arrived here on campus. The South Seneca students expressed authentic gratitude to the cafeteria staff for the lunch and the service. Your students cleaned up after themselves, smiled, and left the cafeteria in better shape than when they arrived.

We can often get bogged down in all the day to day things we do, I wanted to share this positive experience with you.

Have a great weekend,


School Related Professionals Day is Tuesday, November 19!

Thanks for all you do!

Faculty meeting on Tuesday
I will email specifics soon.

Project Produce
Bring Science and Social Studies Lessons to Life Using Your Local Grocery Store

Objective:  Students will learn about plants’ growth needs and classifications by investigating how various foods are grown, imported and ultimately sold in their local grocery store. Through this lesson plan, students will gain a better understanding of the produce we eat.

DCMO Ordering is open

The Online Shopping Cart Program was opened up last night for use. This program is for the collection of requisitions for the 2020/2021 school year.

 Log in information should be in each staff members mailbox. Please let us know if a staff member needs assistance.

The Online Requisition Site will be up and running until January 31, 2020.

The site will close on January 31, 2020.  This date is bound by Bid Award Dates and cannot extend the timeline this year.

The DCMO sign in link is on the master.

Article: College test prep scams are happening

If you have kids in high school, please read, or you might want to share this.

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