September 30, 2019

Room of the week:

Edie Fulton!

Let's fill these up!  Let me know of some ideas.

9th grader loves all his teachers

From a parent last Friday:
"I just wanted to let you know that my wife asked my son who his favorite teacher is this year. His response surprised both of us when he said he didn’t have one. He loves them all. If you could mention it to your staff, we would appreciate it."

You have such an effect on kids

The other day, a student told me that he respects a teacher so much that he thinks of that teacher as a second parent.  I'm proud that this student has such a high level of trust in one of our own. I'm obviously mentioning one relationship, but I'm sure this level of respect happens every day.  We all have such a chance to influence our kids in a positive way, and I'm proud of all of you for your dedication.

Great info from John Barkee 
(thanks John)

Just passing this along. Here is a pic of my DDP students starting the technical lettering unit.

I discuss the importance of neat, consistent lettering and the importance of it to properly communicate in a technical setting. I also discuss the role of the computer in the technical fields to letter/label most communications today, but I emphasize the importance of the the hand technical lettering skills for updating drawings in the field, use by small general contractors who don't rely on computers, and the spill over into other areas where they will find it very useful.

What John mentions here provides a good reason for us to make a serious effort and completing the Skills Win list.  We can consider input like John's and make/suggest adjustments based on that input.

From Missy's desk:

Linked above are opportunities from BOCES around Social Emotional Learning Standards, Literacy, and Math.

SEL Opportunity at BOCES               Math Teacher's Network           Literacy Leadership

Thanks for the great conversations on the early release day! 

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