October 31

Literacy Grant - from Jody Gale:
Any MH teacher or student can submit ideas here to spend the money we were awarded from the Dollar General...(I am asking in the Library during LL for ideas from students).

All ideas will be brought to the Board next month...please submit any ideas to the shared spreadsheet in Google sheets.

Schedule Ideas Committee
For anyone who would like to sit in on an initial schedule ideas meeting, we will meet next Tuesday during faculty meeting time.  Some people have asked me to include them in this committee.  I'll do that, but others are welcome.  The meeting will be in the board room. This meeting is simply a way for me to share a few ideas for consideration.

Missy or I will share the overall faculty meeting schedule for next Tuesday in the next few days.

P-Tech Academy going strong
I was recently talking with Trevor Sibley. His son Ryan is loving the P-Tech Academy.  Experiments can pay off for kids, and it's great to hear.  There is a short article about P-Tech on the latest BOCES Tribune. Click here for that story.

New PR Tip form

Rob just added our new public relations tip form to the staff button on the website.  It's also linked from the master file. It's already getting some use, which is good.

Thanks Rob!

News Links

I just made a new page for news at the top left of this blog.  If you have any you'd like me to add, please let me know.

Passport for Good
Todd Kurzweil sent me this link:  https://www.passportforgood.com/
If any teachers or teams would like to check it out, please do. Thanks Todd.

New Pictures Team Drive

Team drives in Google are fairly new, and they have several advantages over simple folders.  Under your "My Drive"link, click on the triangle next to your "Team Drives."  You all have contributor access to the Pictures drive.  If you're putting things in, please put them in the 2018-19 folder.  If you'd like to add sub folders (ex: Sports, Music, etc.), go ahead. If you have any questions, please let me know. 

The Couple Who Helped De-code Dyslexia

Don't you love seeing progress in a kid's smile?  

Thanks for all you do!

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