October 10

October 19 BEDS training
Susan Kuck from CNYRIC will be here on October 19 to run people through their BEDS entry.  This will make things easy.  For those of you who will be at other events, we can arrange for Sue to come back.  Sue has done these trainings for years, which helps people to put in accurate info right away.

October 19 PD schedule
Please check your line and let me know of any issues.  GoGuardian training and links included.

Clarification on PD hours for the state
Missy spoke with Barry Derfel from BOCES. Keeping track of hours is everyone's personal responsibility.  At the end of your obligation time (3 or 5 years), you will get a message from the TEACH system asking if you have completed required hours.  You check yes, and just be prepared to prove it if audited. On our end of things, events will be in MLP.  I'm working on making that process work most efficiently.  If anyone needs help, please see me.

Go Guardian Web training on Oct. 19
I will share several links for self-training for October 19.  Rob went through the videos, and he tells me they are quite helpful.  We should be able to get this program up and running with good understanding.

Kim Connor from Castle Learning here on Oct. 19
Kim will be working with a single teacher until 10, and she can answer any questions until 10:30.  I'll have her in the library.

Substitute issues
Some folks have wondered how we're dealing with our substitute shortage.  Here is a plan that we have in place.  We'll continually update it as we're able to make improvements. I appreciate everyone's patience as we're doing the best we can considering the shortage.  Hopefully I'll be able to hire another 186 sub very soon and add to our substitute pool. No person is more frustrated than I am, so thanks for understanding.

Universal lock cores
Last week, I did not mention that the faculty lounge has a universal lock core.  That room was already done.  There is a problem with room 110's lock core, but Todd is working on it.

Here's the whole list. If I'm missing anything, please let me know.

  • HS flex lab, room 100
  • Board room, room 112
  • HS computer labs
  • MS computer lab
  • Room 110 (next to Rob's room)
  • Guidance conference room
  • Falcons' Nest (senior lounge)
  • Faculty lounge
Addition to Electronic Devices in the Code of Conduct
I just added some language to the Electronic Devices section.  See below or click the code link in the title.

Concerning the use of a device during a learning lab, please do not allow any use for students on restriction. This will hopefully put some friendly pressure on them to get off of restriction. If any teams would like this written into the code, please let me know.

Update on Kajeet Smartspots
For those of you who haven't heard, we have purchased some Kajeet Smartspots so that kids without Internet access at home can use their Chromebooks.  Today, Mike Pliss successfully configured and connected to a Kajeet with a laptop.  On Friday, he hopes to get a handle on restricting access to a single Chromebook.  So we're making some progress, and we hope they'll be in kids' hands shortly.

BOCES news from Barry Derfel
BOCES news for 10/9.
Barry has some great stuff for all teachers in this week's edition.
All newsletters linked here. 

Product Showcase

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